Can't Trust Everyone ..... Obviously

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"The whole time, I was useless.... right?" I closed my eyes seeing the flashback of Leo when he was in my room. "It's hard to believe that you go through this everyday, Kurome." I looked up at her seeing her tilt her head in confusion. "The fact that your sister is part of Night Raid. I found out that I had a brother and what's worst... he's part of Night Raid. I can't live with it. The thought of it just scares me to death. Someone dear to me is my enemy. I still can't tell whether I can kill him the next time we meet or.... join him..."

"Don't think that, you idiot! I know someone like you will never join Night Raid." Wave yelled.

"You don't know me, Wave. You want the truth? I actually want to join Night Raid. Why, you ask? because I believe it's the right path for me. But I can't, I have no choice. I have to obey commands. I'm not free, and I never will be. Becoming the person who I am was a dream I dreamt of when I started training as an Assassin. Now, I wish I can turn back time because this is all a Nightmare. I wish I could remember what happened before that day but for some reason.... no matter how hard I try to think..... I can't catch a glimpse of the peaceful past I thought I had. I'm not strong, in fact, I'm the weakest person here. I may be strong physically but not mentally. A normal fortune teller can easily control my mind. I've tried to focus and stop this weakness but nothing seems to work. I want to join Night Raid. I just know.... it's where I belong." Suddenly someone came in the room and announced. "Jan, you have a mission to complete." I stood up and left the room following the man who called me. I walked into the room he stopped at and apologised,"sorry if I'm late."

"You aren't late-" someone walked into the room interrupting Honest. Syura, oh him... he's third on my death list. "In fact you're just in time. He's not really cut out to be a commander, but I've chosen my son, Syura, for the job."

"Ah, so you're the famous Commander-in-Chief. I heard that only General Esdeath and that young lady there can match your strength." I slightly giggled then explained," him as a Commander, sure. But if it was a one on one fight.... he stands no chance."

"I like your guts." He laughed.

The commander left the room. I followed Syura since I was told to follow his commands. "I've heard of you Milady, Jan. It's a pleasure working with you. When I become Minister, how about I make you my wife?"

I slightly laughed,"do I even have a choice? I bet you won't even survive that long." I covered my left eye seeing he was covered in black aura. "My Imperial Arm says your death will come today. So it's goodbye. Even if you didn't die, I wouldn't marry you anyway."

"You really are tough to get. Anyways, we're here." Here?

"So now what do we do?" He sat down on a chair and smiled devilishly. "We wait for the intruders to arrive. we saw three people walk up to the door but started backing away then one of them opened the doors as the woman scram. the place exploded then me and Syura jumped down, a couple meters in front of them.

"You're late, we were getting tired of waiting." He sighed, taking a seat on the damaged building wreckage. "Sorry to break it to you, but I've taken care of all the resistance members. I, the great Syura!" When did he do this?

"You're Night Raid? I hope you'll entertain me at least a little." I looked closely seeing the two faces of the Night Raid members. "Lubbock? Tatsumi?"

"You're the one who was with Esdeath when I teleported her to that distant island."

"That means you were the one responsible for those Danger Beasts. Why did you do it?" Tatsumi asked.

"Why do you think? Because it was fun!" This man... he's insane. "I despise boredom. Thanks to them, I had a great time."

"You bastard!" I knew it, Night Raid was the right path all along. Tatsumi dashed at us but was stopped because of a strange lightning strike. "Hey! You came at the right time, Old Man Lightning. I'll leave them to you. Looks like Jan here still hasn't recovered from her shock."

"I don't need you to tell me that. My name is Budo. I've been appointed Commander-in-Chief by our lord and master. You've wronged the empire with your treasonous acts. Prepare to be judged by my Imperial Relic: the Thunder God's Rage, Adramelech!" He was about to make his attack on Tatsumi but my next reaction made my loyalty to the empire... completely destroyed. "Huh, what's this? Jan, protected the enemy?" He's strong, he didn't hit me but still blew me off a few meters. "Care to explain?"

I have to think of something fast! "Tatsumi.... is a part of the Jaegurs and it is my duty to help those in my team. I can't let them simply die!" Tatsumi placed his hand on my shoulder. he whispered in my ear,"don't worry, I can do this." He took his form as Incursio as Lubbock ran towards us. Syura somehow teleported in front of Lubbock and made his attack.

"What the hell? How did you get there?"

"I'll be your opponent. Don't any of you interfere!" I ignored his word and walked up to Lubbock. "L-Lubbock!" It can't be, he's part of Night Raid!? "But I couldn't sense anything evil from you. How can you be part of Night Raid?!" He smiled then sighed. "All that time you were killing people you found was evil. Those people were not part of Night Raid or the Revolutionary Army. They were all people who were on the same side you were on. They are the real monsters. We may have killed many people but we killed them because they were the villains in this world. Why can't you just get it. If only you discovered your power before Captain Ogre died. You would've seen what he was really like."

I smirked and held out Ryūketsu, it turned into a Yatsufusa. "I know I have to kill people with this to get them back, undead. But.... I have trump cards." I summoned Captain Ogre out of the ground. "Now I'll see for myself-" I turned to him seeing he was covered in red. "No way! But I caught my second one a long time ago. He said he was part of Night Raid and that they had to Kill Captain Ogre!"

"Do you have proof that what he said is the truth?"


"Thank god, I lost her!" He stopped in the middle of the forest trying to catch his breath. I jumped down from the tree and chopped his left arm off.

"You think so?" He fell onto the ground breathing heavily and looked at me like I'm some sort of monster. "Tell me .... Who are you working for?" I stomped my foot onto his chest and pointed my sword at his neck.

"Na-Najenda, of Night-Raid....... Please! Have mercy! I only worked for them because I needed Captain Ogre to be dead! He killed my children and wife for no reason so I had to avenge them!" He begged.

"Likely story!" I slashed his head off and walked back to the castle. I wiped the blood off my face and let out a huge sigh.

I guess he was just making an excuse. "I'm not going to fight you... but.... I can't join you either." I started to slowly cry. "Joining Night Raid would solve all my problems, but I can't join you. No matter what I do, I'm being controlled. Once the Imperial Arm controlling me is broken... only then... I'll be able to do what I want."

"What is it?" He asked. "I promise... I will set you free." He made me shocked of what he just said. Promise..... he shouldn't be making promises he can't keep.

"Why are you gonna help me? I'm the one who's about to kill you right now! Who the hell do you think you are to destroy the strongest Imperial Arm in existence. You can't do it so don't make promises you can't keep! I just have to kill everyone evil so this world doesn't have anymore problems. That's my plan."

"Sorry but you're gonna have to miss out on a couple more fights."

The Tale Of The Legendary Jan Arceus (Akame Ga Kill Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now