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"Excuse me, your highness!" I heard a man speak outside my door. "Are you awake?" I woke up and let out a huge yawn rubbing my eyes. "Yep, I'm up!" I moaned. "Your Highness, your language is .... Umm.... Strange."

"Huh, what do you mean?"

"What does .... Yep .... Mean?" I face palmed myself and yelled,"who the heck are you to not know what 'Yep' means?!"

"My apologies Your Highness, my name is Reinhard. I'm the third prince." Oh crap! "I hope I didn't disturb you!"

"No, not at all!" I jumped out of my bed and ran towards the door. I was about to open it but then I realised. The case was still lying on my bed. I ran to it as quick as I could, packed up and slid it under my bed. "I'll be there in a sec." I ran to the door opened it and let out a sigh of relief as I tied my hair up in a ponytail. "Reinhard, sorry for the ... Wait."

"Do not apologise. It's my fault for coming this early in the morning." Reinhard is a really nice guy. Way better than the others, that's for sure. "I heard you like Sword-fighting, I'm the best swordsman in the kingdom. I thought you might like to have some fun with what you like."

"Are you kidding me?" I asked. "Of course I'm coming!" I jumped out of my room but he clicked his fingers getting my attention and pointed at me outfit. I blushed cause I was still in my night gown. "Yeah, I'll go get changed." Before I walked back into my room, he handed me a bag. "What's this?" I asked.

"You'll find out once you get back in your room." He smiled giving me a pat on the head. I kicked him in the knee and smirked,"that attitude with your future queen? So proud." I walked into my room and locked the door behind me. I looked inside the bag seeing a kimono fit for today's occasion so I put it on and took a look at myself in the mirror. "Hmmm, not bad." I tied my hair into two ponytails. I walked towards the door and opened it giving Reinhard a smile. "Sorry I took long."

He held up a long rectangular case and opened it. "Your favourite colour's red, right? Well, I thought I'd get you this." I picked up the katana and pulled it out of it's sheath. My eyes started to become watery as a tear dropped down my cheek. "Oh, are you, ok?"

I wiped away my tears and beamed,"thank you so much. It's the perfect gift!" I gave him a huge hug. I stood back one step and tilted my head. "Are we going?" I placed the sword back into its sheath and attached it to my outfit. I held his hand seeing he blushed a bit and I flicked his forehead and smiled,"this isn't a date, so don't even think about it." We walked to the plains on the far side of the castle.

I removed my sword from it's sheathe and pointed it at Reinhard. "Lets have a friendly sword fight."

"With real swords?"

"Why not?"

"Ok." I dashed at him and aimed for his chest but he blocked my attack with his sword and flicked my sword up into the air and into his left hand. "Wow, impressive. But I was going easy on ya, I didn't think you were that good."

"Don't hold back." He handed me my katana back and smiled. This time he dashed at me so I dodged his attack tripping him over. He rolled on the ground and regained his balance soon. I ran towards him aiming for his arm so held it without thinking. "Hah, you let our guard down." I punched him in his stomach with my left fist, twisted my katana and made a final kick aiming for him to hit a tree. "Oops, I kinda went too far, you ok?" I asked. He smiled and said,"you are fit for a queen, so why are you so worried?"

I thought about it for a sec and asked,"is there anything I can do that will determine if I am fit for a queen?"

"Well, if you are able to make a lunar eclipse just by walking in the fields with a sword then I guess that shows if you see fit or not." He sighed. "But it's just a myth."

"We'll see about it." I looked at the castle in the distance seeing Kazuki waving at me. I waved back and proceeded in the fields. I held out my sword and walked normally.

"Fit for a queen after all." Reinhard dropped his sword and walked towards me. He lifted my chin and kissed me on the lips. What, WHAT IS HE DOING?! I kicked him in the balls and yelled. "Pervert! Ain't nobody like me gonna kiss someone like you. I will stay single for life!" Kazuki ran towards his brother and punched him in the stomach.

"What's the hell's wrong with you?!" He yelled. "That was so sudden. Even I was surprised. Doing it to the future queen like that?"

"Well, the legend doesn't say you're the one to take the throne Kazuki." I was curious of what Reinhard just said so I asked,"what do you mean?"

"Well, for you to become queen, you have to have a king right?" I though about it for a sec then realised. "Yup, in about a month, you have to choose."


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