Never Trying To Care For Another Mortal Again

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"Hey, did you hear? The members in Jan's new team just got killed yesterday. People say it was because they were too weak. Jan really is a legend, she defeated the targets with ease even though she almost died trying to save Sakura. And I thought she was a heartless person", I eavesdropped on the guards at the front gate as I squeezed my eyes trying not to cry. It was all my fault they're dead. They may have been weak but for some reason .... I can't keep my mind off them. Suddenly in front of me were Jaune and Sakura.

"Jaune, Sakura. What are you doing here?!" I jumped seeing them both completely normal giving me a heart warming smile. Jaune walked up to me and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"We came to see you, silly!" They slowly turned into ash as the wind blew them away.

"I knew it, they are dead."


"You b@#ch! What have you done?!" Sakura ran away, she didn't stop.

"Taken what's rightfully mine", he threw the chain a centimetre close to my head. "Now that my beautiful bride is gone, I'm gonna need a new one", he walked up to me and lifted up my chin. "Looks like I've found the perfect one", if I wasn't injured I'd punch him right in the face.

"As if I would go with you, you're the ugliest bastard I've ever seen", I smirked. He let out an evil laugh making me tilt my head in confusion. "What's so funny?"

"It isn't a choice, it's an order", he threw the chain at me but I blocked his attack. "What?" I smirked as I jumped onto the other side pulling my sword out of the stone.

"You think I'm that weak? Ha, my regenerating skills are way more superior than you think. All thanks to my amazing Imperial Arm!" I cut a slit in my arm using the blood to make arrows as my sword turned into a bow. I aimed at him but he was too fast, he kept moving in different places every time I shot an arrow at him. "Stop running away, fight like a man!"

"Who said anything about running away?" He whispered at the back of me. I turned around as quick as I could. My bow turned into a scythe in less than a second and sliced his left arm off. "You're fast, a worthy opponent. How about a trade?" I nodded taking in a deep breathe. He clicked his fingers as his sister walked up towards us.

"Jaune, Sakura!" She held them by their necks and threw them on the ground in front of me. I dropped my Scythe onto the ground,"No no no no no, stay with me you two!" I checked their pulse seeing it was beating rapidly fast.

"So what is it? Your heart or their lives?" I watched the smiles on their faces as tears streamed down my face. "And I thought the rumours were true. You aren't a heartless person after all!" He and his sister laughed at us.

"You win, just leave them alone", I took one last look at Jaune and Sakura and stood up.

Jaune pulled back my skirt. "Don't do it, we're gonna die anyway."

"Sorry, but I'm not who you use to know", I walked forward.

"Jaune means it. She injected a poison in us just a few minutes ago. We're gonna die even if you do turn yourself in", That can't be. It charged me full of anger, I picked up my Scythe and charged at Ankoku. My Scythe missed so I turned it back into a sword and swung Ryūketsu at him. He blocked my attack with his sword. Our swords clashed as our battle became fierce. His sister joined in the battle attacking me from behind. I held my sword from the grip pulling out another identical sword out of thin air.

I managed to cut off his left leg and halved his sister from behind keeping her out of the way. He stopped for a second to catch his breathe giving me the right time to slice his head off. He held onto my sword stopping it from slicing his head off. "You idiot!" I laughed. My sword turned into Murasame making a cut in his hand. "Goodbye!" I waved.

I rushed toward Jaune and Sakura and checked their pulse. "Nothing. I knew it, they were too weak. They deserved to die. Then, why does it hurt?" I placed my hand on my chest. "Why am I crying? They're just another extras of life!" The rain started pouring down mixing in my tears. I wiped away my tears seeing they were red as blood.

End of Flashback

"What does red tears indicate?"

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