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It's Monday and you arrived back at school.

Taehyung was waiting for you since early morning, wanting to apologize to you personally. When he spotted you he walks to your direction.

However Jungkook cuts him off without noticing and came to you first.

"Hey Mia! How was your weekend?" He asked with a big smile. You could see that he was happy to see you again.

"Good," you responded "I could finally sleep in my own bed again." You said as you imitate yourself sleeping.

You both laughed at your silliness. Taehyung couldn't take it anymore and walked to you.

"Can I borrow her for a second?" He asked. Without waiting for Jungkook to respond to his question, he abruptly pulled you by your wrist.

"Yah! V! your hurting me." You said wincing in slight pain.

"Since when do you call me V? Did you learned that from Jungkook?" He asked jealously and let go of you.

"What's wrong with you?" You asked "Why are you acting so..so.." you tried finding the right word.

"So what?" He asked frowning.

"Well, I don't know. It's like you're... jealous." You mumbled but he could still hear you.

"Me? Jealous?" He asked pointing at himself and scoffed.

"Yeah, I know it sounds stupid. Forget about it." You said looking down of embarrassment.

He just laughs, but actually he was wondering if he really was jealous.

"A-anyways," he cleared his throat, preparing himself as you looked at him in curiosity.

"What is it?"

"I wanted to.. apologize." He said not able to meet your eyes. You let out a chuckle as you saw his awkward body language.

"You don't do this often do you?" You laughed as he finally looked you in the eyes. Your smile slowly faded as you noticed his cheeks being slightly flushed. He actually looked cute that way.

"I'm sorry, Mia. I shouldn't have treated you that way." He said looking into your eyes, hoping for some sort of forgiveness.

You thought of what Jungkook told you about Taehyungs family. He must have a hard time too. "Thank you for saying that. Let's get along from now on."


The bell rang and the lessons are about to begin.

"So, did everyone had a nice weekend?" Mrs. Hwang asked the students.
"Well, today we're going to change seats." Mrs. Hwang decided.

"Why?" Taehyung asked suddenly and everyone shocked because of his action even Taehyung himself.

"Why Taehyung? Do you wanna stay with Mia?" Jimin said teasingly.

"No!" Taehyung said defending himself.

You could see that Jungkook was a bit uncomfortable with Taehyung.

"Stop everyone. I'm going to decide where everyone is going to sit for the next 3 weeks." Mrs. Hwang said.

She pointed you out. "Mia sits with Jungkook, Taehyung sits with Joy, Namjoon with Seokjin,....."

Joy was very happy to sit with Taehyung.

"Hey V, I-.." Joy said.

Taehyung interrupts. "Call me Taehyung, only friends can call me by my nickname."

Jungkook is very happy to sit next to you and you yourself too, but Wendy wasn't.
After class Wendy came to you and pushed you against the lockers.

"Didn't I warned you to stay away from Jungkook?" She said pulling your hair.

"Ouch! Let go of my hair." you cried. "It wasn't my fault ah-"

Jungkook saw and quickly came towards you , pulling you to him.

Wendy startled and stopped her actions "J..jungkook, I..I can explain." She stutters.

"You don't need to explain. Just leave my girlfriend alone or else you have to deal with me." He said to her coldly.

It was your first time seeing him being so cold. The way he talked to her, was a bit like how Taehyung used to talk to you.

Wendy ran away crying.

"Thanks Jungkook, but wasn't it a bit too much?" You asked worried.

"Mia, how Wendy treated you was wrong. It hurts me seeing you getting hurt." He said concerned.

"..and you said that I was your girlfriend, that's a lie right?" You asked with a laugh.

"Ah, right. Yeah." He said embarrassed.

"That's good. You're a good friend Jungkook." You said patting him on his shoulder.

"Right, I'm a good friend." he mumbled in disappointment while scratching the back of his head.

My Unexpected Roommate - kth✔Where stories live. Discover now