Chapter 18 (part 2): Bitch is back

Start from the beginning

'Boys, you are killing the poor girl!'

'No its fine Mrs. Carter really.'

'Sorry Lyscia, want to sit on my lap?'

'No she doesn't!' The 2 of them started fighting saying what I want. Damn they are annoying, like 2 year olds really.

'BOYS! Stop acting like 2 year olds, in front of the guest!'

'Sorry mom' they both mumbled while I muttered

'They aren't even 2 year olds'

'HEY!' They both shouted and looked at me.

'Crap you guys heard me.' They nodded.

'Well no DUH! We are wer's.'

'She has a point.' Seth threw a pillow at Archer who did not duck in time. Let's just say it hurt, a lot.

'Damn you even throw pillows hard.'

'BOYS! Stop getting sidetrack. Now I see we have some knew faces with you guys. Introduce them now!'

'Mom, this is Paul, Coel, Gabe,  Bob, John, Cameron, Alex, Mitch and Doug.' Kaden introduced everyone since Seth was getting pissed.

'Hello call me Jackie please'

'Maaaa!' Kaden whined, damn, thank god he is not my son, I would slap him silly.

'Everyone was looking at me.

'Crap, I said that out loud didn't I?' The guys were laughing while the girls just giggled, and Kaden just looked hurt.

'You would hit your child!'

'Well no, I mean not hard I mean GAH! I don't think I would but you know I am Singaporean, so I was brought up different to you were.' Mrs. Carter Gasped at this, ok we are not that bad.

'Where you caned?' Gosh we are not that bad!

'No! Ofcourse not, I don't have one of those parents.'

'Oh right because I do not believe anyone so young should be caned.' Ok thank god she did not ask what they did. Its not so bad but still I don't think she would approve.

'Any way, which one are you dating dear?'

'MOM! What kind of...' I cut Kaden off,

'Non Jackie, I don't believe in love so why date?'

'Yeah but she makes out with anyone' I elbowed Seth for muttering that loud enough for us to hear.

'What does he mean Lyscia?'

'Well its just because these numpties dare me to kiss or make out with guys.'

'Oh but why don't you believe in love? I mean what about mates?'

'Uh, nope I don't well I guess I just never did, and as for mates they are your other half, in my opinion they are just what you need in life. And I have no say in that, in love you do.'

'Oh' everyone seemed stunned about what I had said, I mean it would be a surprise to the others, but Doug, Gabe and Coel should know me better.

'Well that explains a lot.'

'Uh Why?'

'Like why you never dated, and why you are not interested in us at all!'

'Ok Doug, but I have told you this before.'

'Oh yeah well still!' He folded his arms and sulked, we all laughed at that, Jackie looked at me tilting her head and had a puzzled look on her face.

'You remind me of someone.' Well I wonder who that could be. I really do, I am not being sarcastic.

'You remind me of a girl I knew as a child, the way you talk.' HOLY SHIT SHE IS A MIND READER!

'Anyway everyone you should all get cleaned up, and put on your swimmers and bring jackets.' With that Jackie left, but not before giving me one more confused look, before heading to her room I guess.

'Well girls let's show you to your rooms.' Kaden said getting up from the couch, causing me to fall into Seth’s lap.

'Sorry' Seth just grunted a response


Hey everyone i normally dont do these things but i am realising that ppl are not actually going to this chapter at all! and to be honest school has started I want to continue as I have a great plot planned out but it seems like no one actually likes it, so if you want me to continue pls comment, i would really appreciate it, my next chapter will be up when I have got 5 comments (not from me) on here ok! i may make some leeway if i am really nice

oh and when i grow up I WANNA BE A SMURF!

Peace Love and COOKIES ;)

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