Chapter 1: THE FBI are after me

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Dear people of my mind,

Why in the world did you have to be smart yet so stupid. The thing is I am only stupid in one way, and yeah you I know, I sound like a right bitch but honest to god I am not. I have the brains, people say I have the looks and I am good at sports. There is only one way I am stupid and that is, the poker face!!!! I can not show a good poker face, to my parents!!! Teachers, ha they are easy, girls a bit harder and the boys, psh, I can crush ‘em like a bug, although I would never do that... I am just not that cruel. Well maybe I am a little. But I mean who wouldn't be in my case.

"Lyscia, WAKE UP!!!"

"Waaaaa, but miss I was having such a good dream" I whined

"You now I do not care if you are asleep because you always do well, but it is not me who wants you. It was them" Mrs. Lee pointed her thumb it’s politer than your pointing finger ok at the men at the door. God, I felt stupid, I grabbed my stuff and went with them out of the door. Knowing I will be gone for a while.

'Well this is awkward' see I am walking between guys that look like they could be in the CIA, FBI or some macho bodyguards and all they do is walk and keep silent. Hahahaha I am just that awesome!!!

'Sorry, miss but we not supposed to tell you what's going on! And to be honest we do not know what is actually happening.'

'Well can you at least tell me where we are going?'

They look at one another, and then at me I know it's just like in the movies.

'We are going to your principle office, were they will tell you everything.'

They, who the hell is they? Well I guess I am going to find out soon. And no sooner than I thought that were we in the principals’ office.

'Hello Ms. Ness, how are you today?'

'I am fine, thank you, and you?'

'Well, not so well. I have some sad news for you.'

Damn just my luck 'Oh, well then let's just get to it, because trust me the longer I have to wait the more I will worry' then I do what is best and put on a very brave smile.

'Ok, well then, as of next week you are no longer a Tanglin student. You will be leaving this school, and shall be joining Ghulvston, in Scotland. We are very fortunate that you are one of our students, as the school you shall be going to go to is the top in the world! Your parents have been informed. We hope that you enjoy your last week before you leave us.'

'Wait, you mean to tell me that I am leaving!!!'

‘Yes, is that a problem? Oh and this is your new headmaster Mrs. Julian James.’

I finally noticed the lady in the room. She was beautiful stunning and she was defiantly smart. She just had that type of aura.

‘No, no problem just surprise, and hello Mrs. Julian James, how do you do?’

‘Well thank you, we are delighted that you will be joining our school. The reason you have a week is because you will be joining during the holiday, and not the week before. When you first move in were going to help you catch up and so on.’

‘Um, Ok that sounds great, is there anything else or may I please go?’

‘No you may go, have a good day and please keep to yourself the information of the school.’

‘Ok, all right, it was lovely to meet you. May I ask though, what was the use of the two big men?’

‘It was just a safety precaution.’

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