Chapter 3: poor poor boy

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 SInce you love this chapter so much XD LOBE YOU!!!!!!

i meant LOVE ahahahhaha


Back to Lyscia POV

 poor hot boy, I mean come on it has to be obvious that it was not her singing when Jess said, 'until Lysica stole it' I mean come on. Then I heard her sing and ha poor boy again. Trying to save that evil witch and not even realise what he got himself into. I could here his thoughts now *Oh shit save me please*

My friends and I were so busy pissing ourselves laughing, and the fact that we actually recorded our little chat with them was too good to be true. I mean think about all the fun we could have and yes I can be evil, but hey its not my fault see with Jess, we used to be BFFs, that is until I lost all my weight. I did this in a matter of two months, and i am not anorexic or bulimic, I just lost it really fast.

After that happened all the boys wanted me, but i turned them down immediately, some were good looking but the way they treated me before was just mean so of course, I turned them down with out a blink, even the guy I had a crush on. Okay that was mainly to do with Jess really liked him and i was just his friend, I just didn’t want to ruin that.

When Jess found out that he asked me out, she was furious, she had thought I said yes, but I kept telling her I never would. She did not believe me and spread rumors.

-----------------------------------------Flashback to last term---------------------------------------------------------------

'How could you? I mean I really liked, him and he asked you out!!! You know how I felt, and then you said yes!!!!!!!!! I thought we were friends'

'Jess we are. I never said yes, I told him no it would never work and I saw him as only a friend!'

'yeah right, I mean you lost all of your weight all of a sudden, all the guys coming running after you and you love it'

'I would never love it, I never did, I just lost my weight and I have no Idea how!' we were practically shouting at one another.

'Sure, sure so why did you steal my guy, couldn't you have waited till he at least asked me out!! he was so close to'

 'Look, I didn’t do anything it all disappeared, I ate like normal and I never worked out!'

'Lies!!!!!!! God you are such a fucking whore!!!! I cant believe I pretended to be your friend'

'Do you really mean that.... I thought we are ok were friends... I  mean I have done nothing to you I turned him down because of YOU.... I liked him too but still you were/are my best friend so i thought yeah why not'

I take a turn and I run, ignoring her shouts and apologies. But they did not work, next thing I knew almost everyone dropped her as a friend, and that was how I became the IT girl

----------------------------------------------End Flash back-------------------------------------------------------------------

I hated being the IT girl, it was just so stupid, but with me as the IT girl, everything went fine, because I never went out with any of the guys than being just more than friends. The guys soon figured this out and started asking other girls, they were more than thrilled, and Jess got her guy. I got over him in a week and we became great friends again, but of course Jess did not like me anymore so we hung out a bit less.

However music is another matter. I mean we are all friends there, well except Jess, and trust me its not my fault, the guys all started to not like her so much because they were there during the fight. I do blame myself though, I mean what could I do, its not like i could get the guys to leave cus even I did not expect it

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