Chapter 15: Scrawny Ass

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I chuckled and eventually got everyone out of my room. A few with red faces, or painful balls, as they grabbed at the girls left. I have to say it was pretty funny, but it was very irritating to think that anyone would believe that I have a vibrator! I decided to go for a run around the school perimeter twice. I quickly strolled out, took of my clothes and felt my bones cracking into place, I felt no pain, people never get it right. I mean why would we feel pain when we first change it was just ridiculous. Any way, I changed and ran the perimeter twice, then I put on my clothes and headed to my room to plan.

I had to plan my revenge, it had to be perfect. What could be more perfect than annoying her 24 hours a day, I mean I have to say she was cute annoying so it worked out even better than I planned.

*Lyscia’s POV*

I was walking to first period with Miki, heading towards Chemistry.

‘Oh, you missed out, it was so funny with the girls whacking those idiots that you made run into Seth’s room, which was pretty hilarious though’

‘Yeah I know I am. So what did Seth do?’

‘Oh, he threw everyone out and muttered about getting revenge’

‘Well this is gonna be fun? You wanna help me get back at him afterwards!’

‘Ooooooh YESSSS! OMG were gonna have like sooo much fun!’

‘Ahahaha I know now come on, you need to learn and I need to sleep!’

‘Lucky bitch’

‘Yep I am’ We smiled and linked arms and went into class were I fell a sleep till we had to do an experiment and Miki made notes. The experiment was simple, a Titration of an acid and an alkali big whoop but some how, some idiots still managed to mess everything up, god they were so frustrating! Any way after class, the idiots cleaned up the mess and we left, to Dance. YAY! With the teacher that hates my guts!

‘Lyscia! Go into the room next door and dance by yourself. After each lesson you will come out and perform for the class. Today I want you to dance ballet, and I may make some people join you.’

‘Ok Miss, I will just go get ready’ THANK YOU GOD! You must love me, I practically squeal with joy and do my happy dance in the bathrooms. I got dressed in to my ballet outfit, which I have to say is awesome, as I have black point shoes with neon green and purple on it. Any way, I went in to the room next door, using the door that looked like it was part of the wall as it was a glass door. I realized that it was a double-sided mirror so I could see what they were doing unless, I kept the light at the same amount as there’s. I started the music that the evil teacher gave me and started to dabble around, trying different moves and seeing how they would fit. I repeated the song and tried different moves, collecting the moves that I liked and soon I was dancing all around the room. Trying to be graceful in my opinion, I gained speed and danced faster and harder. Soon even the music was forgotten and I danced non stop. I heard a clap from the front of the room and I stopped and looked up. I was shocked, I thought no one would come in, oh yeah I forgot someone will join in later.

‘Oh, Hey Seth what’s up?’

‘Nothing was just told to join you.’

‘Oh ok cool, well come on then, we have to perform at the end of class.’

‘You mean you do?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Well she said I do not have to.’

‘Uh she hates me!’


‘Well maybe she is playing a trick so come on and practice with me, and if I dance by myself I will just do, what I just did.’

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