Chapter 11: speak of the angel

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*Lyscia’s POV*

When I woke up today, it was not out of a fight, it was actually peaceful. I quickly got dressed and got ready for the day. When I was done I found the boys at my door.

‘Hey Lyscia wanna come eat with us in the canteen? we feel bad for eating your food, so we will pay you back later.’

‘Yeah ok pay me later just for the food I’ll cook for you guys again.’

‘Seriously?’ I nodded

‘Hell yes, so you coming?’

‘Only if you give me a piggy back over there.’

‘Ok but what about people seeing your underpants?’

‘Hold on one moment I’ll be right back’ I dash into my room get the little jeans shorts that I have that my friends fixed so that it read If you read this you are a perv it was big so it could not be missed if they tried to read it.

‘Alright am done thanks for reminding me Archie now bend down so that I can get on with out hurting you.’ He bends down a little and I quickly get on his back.

‘So you gonna tell us what I reminded you?’

‘Nope but I’m sure the boys behind will find out soon enough.’ We continued to walk and since the guys were next to us and not behind they did not see. The first to see was a complete group of strangers. The first to see was on the floor laughing,

‘Dude why the fuck are you laughing so hard, you just saw up her skir…’ his friend had pointed it and he also was on the floor. Soon a full flood of guys were on the floor. My group started to wonder as well but did not go behind me. We got in the cue and paid for the food after that we went to sit down. A lot of people were either still laughing or had just sobered up. I was laughing as well when I sat down next to Archie, the guys just looked at me. I hear a tray fall down next to me and I loo up and see Seth’s face.

‘Why is everyone laughing at you?’

‘Not at me silly with me, it’s an inside joke.’

‘Yeah and almost all the guys know but your friends’

‘Seb shut up your not helping’ I look at Max who is right now looking at Seth, I turn to see that his eyes were starting to change color and his fist were balled up ad he started to shake. I touched his arm,

‘Man chill don’t worry I am sure you will figure it out very soon.’ He calms down and nods, weird I thought. We continued to eat and when we were done. Put our plates in the bin.

‘Hey Lyscia you want another piggy back?’

‘Uh Yah of course.’

‘No!!! You’re riding on my back.’

‘Ok cool whatever floats your boat. But hold let me check my time table, ok I have Advance History and then Advance Math what about you?’

‘Same now climb on you pup.’ I jabbed his side

‘Hey you’re the pup, I am a ninja ok’ I quickly jump on his back and he started to walk. The boys decided to walk behind, and they saw why everyone was laughing at and were soon on the floor.

‘Ok that is it! What is so funny. Am I the only guy who does not know yet.’

‘Yep, now mush puppy because I don’t want to be late for next lesson’ he kept on walking and the boys ran to come up.

‘mush puppy mush, come on if not now treats for you’ Marv said while laughing, Seth just growled as he said that, 

‘Shut it Marv’ we got to class and I was put down so that we could sit down in history. The teacher was already in class and knew who I was, so it was all cool. I went to sleep and the lesson began. At the end of the lesson I got up and headed to math.  The same thing happened in Math, I got there did the worksheets in 20 minutes and went to sleep. After that I headed to my locker to drop my stuff and headed to the canteen. I stood in the cue;

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