Chapter 10: My Little Sethiepoo

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*Seth's POV*

I had not been into any of my classes so far because my father needed me. I had heard many rumors about what was going on in my lessons. Apparently there is a girl who can sleep in class and not get in trouble, that can sing like the angles and dance better than everyone. Dance is very important in this school and I just so happen to be the best. I got my lunch from the canteen and headed over to the tables to sit with my friends. As I head over I notice that Polly and her possy of sluts are sitting with the guys, and my bro and his friends are not in there usual spot.

'Yo, Marv where is Kaden and co?'

'Oh I think they moved spots to be under the apple tree.' My brother sitting by that tree, now that has to be because of some chic. I was about to say more to the guys when I caught a scent, it smelled like everything, that is to say nothing. My wolf growled telling me it was my mate, but wait this school is full of wolves, with the exception of a few humans, how can I have found her. I look in the direction of the smell and see the apple tree, and under it was the most beautiful girl in the world, from afar I could only see here figure, that was just perfect, with her hair that was caught in the wind the brownish gold locks had captured the sun and her skin glowed.

'Marv, who is that chic?'

'Oh that's Lyscia she is new here, she is also the girl that everyone is talking about' so here name is Lyscia and she is amazing, beautiful and well just perfect, I barley know her, and I know that I would never harm here. I see Kaden pull Lyscia into his lap, I wanted to go over there a punch him in the jaw. I did not realise I was standing till I heard Polly,

'Seathiepoo, where you going?'

'Just going to talk to Kaden.'

'Sethie don't go there that evil bitch will have you wrapped around her lil' pinky' in my mind I think to late bitch.

'Pol, don't call her a bitch you don't even know her.' The boys and Polly looked shocked but Polly quickly changed it to looking sorry. I headed over to the tree to go meet my mate. When I got there I stood over her, not in a creeper way, she looks up and I see her eyes, which are a beautiful green to a human eyes, but they are amber/hazel with a green crest.  I stared for a while not able to speak when I hear Kaden asking me,

'Seth what do you want?' Uh its obvious that Kaden likes her and it kills me that I want to rip of my brothers head. When it comes to girls we are never close, mainly because I am considered a player, the funny thing is that I am a virgin.

'Nothin' from you bro, just came to talk to Lyscia.'

'Ok hi, and you’re the infamous Seth?' Her voice was so pure and beautiful that even the angles would be jealous, her voice was full of life and joy.

'Uh yeah you like what you see?' I tried the cocky approach, because that usually should work.

'Ahahaha that was a cheesy line and nah I have seen better.' What does she mean seen better? I mean shouldn't she be madly in love with me. Unless she was a wer as well, oh god now I have to wait till she turns. Come on 2 years, I ain't even supposed to know till she's 18, or maybe 17 if she is powerful, but I have to ask her in private and tell her soon.

'Yeah you're right that was cheesy any ways care to talk with me alone?'

'Um how about some other time I am too comfortable right now' ok that's alright later, I can deal with it, just stay cool.

'Yeah ok, see ya later then' I walk of before I do anything, I can't tell my brother because well I don't know I just know I can't. I get my stuff and head down to biology.

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