Chapter 18

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The next day Arthur and Francis woke up the twins at 10:00. 

"Come on. Get up." Arthur said, shaking Al.

"Nuuuuuuuuuu, don wanna." Al said, rolling over.

Arthur sighed. "Any luck with Matt?"

Francis shook his head. "Sheets?"

"Sheets," Arthur confirmed. "1...2........3!"

On three, the two adults grabbed the ends of the bed covers and ripped them off the boys. The cold air hit them like a bomb and they sat up.

"WHYYYYYY!" Al said dramatically, waving his fists at the ceiling.

"Because you need to get ready." Arthur said.

"For what?" Matt mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

Arthur smirked, "You'll see, now. Change into these clothes."

He handed each of the boys a bag. Alfred got off the bed and ran to the bathroom. Matt groaned and flopped back on the bed. A minute later Alfred walked out in jeans, a black shirt, a green flannel thing and a leather jacket over it all. He had an amulet around his neck. He looked at Arthur and Francis suspiciously, but excitement and hope flared in his eyes.

Next Matthew went into the bathroom and changed. When he came out he was wearing jeans, a blue plaid flannel with a brown jacket over it. He too was looking at the older two with speciousness. 

Arthur and Francis laughed. Arthur changed next. When he came out of the bathroom he was wearing a black suit, had a blue tie around his neck and a white shirt underneath the suit. He had a long, tan trench coat on over his suit.

Now Al and Matt were grinning like idiots. Next was Francis. When he came out he was wearing a black suit, with a black shirt, a black tie and a black coat over it all.

Alfred and Matthew started jumping up and down.

"Excited boys?" Arthur asked.

They two boys just squealed in response. 

"Okay. We have hair dye if you want." Francis said.

"DO IT!!!" they screamed.

15 minutes later Alfred's hair was a bit darker, Matt's was brown, Arthur's was brown and Francis' was black. 

"Francis you need to cut your hair." Al said.

Francis looked at him with wide eyes. "Sûrement pas!*"

"Come ooooon." Matt begged.

"I can grow it back when we get home." Arthur said.

Francis looked at all of them. After a minute he gave in. "Fiiiine."

The other three smirked. 10 minutes later Francis was sitting on the toilet with his hair cut short. All four of them were looking in the mirror.

"We actually kind of look like them." Alfred said.

(AN: XD  I didn't even think about it when writing this but Matt is perfect for Sam because his hair is long, Francis has a beard like Crowley, Arthur's hair is short like Cas's and Alfred's is like Dean.)

"Yeah I guess we do." Arthur said.

"Come on, we need to go!" Matt said.

"Yes Matt's right, let's gooo." Alfred said walking out of the bathroom.

Arthur and Francis followed them out of the room and to the elevator where they went to the lobby and out the front doors to their rental car. 

"Alright 10 minutes to the convention center." Francis said, getting behind the wheel.

Alfred and Matthew were jumping in their seats the whole way there. Soon enough they pulled into a parking lot that was crowed with cars, people, cosplayers (THERE IS A DIFFERENCE XD) and anything else they had with them. Al and Matt jumped out of the back and looked back into the car.

"Come on! Hurry Up!" they said.

"Were coming, were coming." Arthur said, climbing out of the passenger seat.

"Welcome boys to Salute to Supernatural Chicago 2015." Francis said, spreading his arms wide.

Al and Matt looked at each other and took off running into the building.

"Wait up you gits!" Arthur said, chasing after them.

They finally caught up with the twins at the doors. There were people there collecting tickets to enter. Arthur handed the man 4 tickets and they walked inside. Stalls and booths were everywhere selling Supernatural merchandise. T-shirts, Cosplays, wigs, anything really. 

Al and Matt looked like they were in heaven.

"Where too first boys?" Francis asked.

They looked around.

"OVER THERE!" Alfred yelled, pointing to some stand.

When they got to the stand they saw what it was selling. Fake angel blades, knives, weapons, and other things of the sort. For the fun of it Arthur bought and angel blade, Alfred bought Dean's knife (the one he had in Purgatory), Matt got a fake shotgun and Francis got a knife.

"Thank you." Matt said smiling.

"No problem." the vender-man said.

They walked around a bit and bought stuff, got some autographs [which Arthur found very entertaining when Alfred was Jensen, and Matt saw Jared.] Took pictures with other cosplayers dressed as Meg, Ellen, Jo, Bobby, Rufus, Ruby, Gabriel and so on.

"Alfred? Mattie?" a voice said behind them.

They turned around to look at the person.

"Gilbert?!" they said, grinning.

"Heeey! What's up!" Gilbert asked.

He was wearing jeans, a black shirt, a greenish-grayish jacket over it and his hair was dyed a light blonde and was slicked back.

"Well were enjoying the convention. What are you doing here, I didn't think you liked Supernatural?" Alfred said.

Glibert stared at him like he had grown another head. "Like it? Like it? I LOVE it!"

Al and Matt laughed. "We can tell."

"Guess who I am." Gil said.

The 4 people standing there looked him over. It was Matt who got it first.

"Your Gabriel." he said.

"Bingo. And your Sam, your Dean," he pointed to Al, "You Cas," Arthur, " and Crowley." Francis.

"Great job, all in one go." Arthur said.

"So wanna wander around with me? Ludwig didn't want to come. He and Feli are getting their sexy times on." he said with a smirk.

Alfred shook his head. "I did not need to know that. Well come on, wandering awaits us."

The five of them kept on wandering around, taking more pictures, buying things. They even found some people who were roleplaying and decided to join in. 

Finally Arthur led them to a room after about and hour of this wandering exploration.

"Where are we going?" Matt asked.

Francis and Arthur grinned, "A PANEL!"

Al and Matt stared at them before cheering and tried to run in, Gilbert on their heels.

"Be patient boys, it starts in 5 minutes. Now come on lets go get some seats." Francis said.

Together they all walked in and found a seat near the front and sat down, waiting for the panel to start.



Hope you enjoyed this chapter.  ^.^

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