Chapter 12: Flare's Hatred; Cole VS Mysterious Girl

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It was a quiet night as Cole, Kai, Flare, and Flash were looking for Penny. "PENNY!" Kai yelled. Flash tried to sniff her scent, but nothing. "Damn I lost her scent." "Great...Flare h- Flare?" Cole looked at Flare as he sees the White Fang going into the alley ways towards the shipping yard. "...White Fang?" Then Flare ran up ahead and everyone followed behind him. "Where are we going?" Flash asked "Shipping Yards...White Fang is here." Flare growled as he ran faster than them. Everyone pull out their weapons.

Soon they made it to the Shipping Yards to see a huge group of White Fang members with none other than...Roman Torchwick. "Hey thats-" "TORCHWICK!" Flare's arms burst into flames and grabbed his Dragon Sword to ran at Roman Torchwick. Roman turned to see Flare. He was surprised and aimed his cane cannon at him. He shoots at Flare, but Flare deflected it. Sun and Blake appeared to attack Roman. Roman smirked as about more than thirty White Fang members appeared. "So its been awhile Flare."

"Damn it Flare! Flash go help him." Cole ordered as Flash ran towards the others. Cole turn towards Kai "Kai I want you to contact Team RWBY and get them here." Kai nodded and slashes a member with his Grimm Ripper Mode #1. Cole tries to join in the fight, but he fights ten members with his Athena by stabbing and shooting at them. Then he gets kicked in the face and flies into a cargo box. He groan in pain to see a girl wearing a fance old clothes, white boots, with an Umbrella, has pale skin, about the same height as him, ice cream colored hair, and has a white and brown eyes. "..." She smirked and slowly walks toward him. Cole gets up and smirks "Lets party."

Flare gets thrown back into the wall "TORCHWICK!" He shoots ice and fire at everyone. Torchwick dodged and shoots another cannon at Flare, but Blake and Sun deflect it. "Lets go Flar- huh?" He and Blake were pushed by Flare. "Stay out of my WWWWWAAAAYYYYY!" He charges at Torchwick with blinding rage. Flare and Torchwick kept clashing weapons "Grr why don't you just die!" Flare yells with more rage. "Awww what's wrong red head? Getting angry from Mommy and Torchwick?" Torchwick smirked "IM GONNA TO KILL YOU ONCE AND ALL!!!!" Flare was full of rage. Sun and Blake fight TorchWick, but Flare was attacking them too. Flash joins in and kicks Flare away "Enough Flare! You need to c-" Torchwick shoots a canon in front of Flash that sends him flying into a cargo box. "Flash!" Flare got even more angry and slashes Torchwick. "Oh we're gonna have so much fun."

Cole goes kicked in the face "'re good..." He was brusied up already and he had no choice, but to use his semblance. Without touching the cargo, he lifts them up with a force unlike anyone has ever seen. He was struggling for awhile, but he throws them at the girl. The girl smiled and literally dodged them. She then teleported behind him and stabs him in the back "ACK!" He coughed up blood and dropped his Athena. She kicks it away from them. She grabbed his neck and slammed him into a cargo box "Who are y-you?" She stabs him again. She says her name, but no sound came out "...,Neo? Heh cute know I got one trick up in my sleeve....actually around my waist." Without touching her, he pushed her back as her Umbrella Sword was outta of him. He shows her a sword and a scarb "I guess I am..." He pulls it out "Lucky." His eyes turned red.

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