Chapter 1: A Shining Beacon Part 2

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As everyone was in the ceremony room, they waited for Ozpin to give a speech. Cole, Jaune, and Ruby came last as then Yang yelled "Ruby! Come here! I saved a spot." "I got to go guys. See ya later." Ruby left Cole and Jaune. "Great where can we find a funny girl?" Jaune asked Cole. Cole shrugged "Maybe there's someone like that." Cole and Jaune looked around to stand next to Ren. "Oh hello." He said. "Hi names Jaune." "I'm Cole." "Nice to meet you both. I'm Ren. This is my childhood friend, Nora," "NORA!" "and Kai." "Sup." "Hey." "Yo." Cole, Jaune, Kai, Nora, and Ren talked for a while to each other

Flare yawned and groan "Man this Professor likes being l-" Then he sees a 18 year old girl with long red hair, green eyes, wearing a Spartan armor, boots, and even the clothes, and holds a Spartan shield and a red sword. He looked an awed at her "...Maybe this school isn't bad at all." Flash said quietly next to Flare. Flare jumped "Hey! What the heck?!" "Sorry. I saw you over here and you looked to be the loner and quiet type. I'm Flash Blade." "....Flare. Nice to meet you I guess." Flare said sighing. "Hot girls?" "Yeah."....

Suddenly Ozpin came to the stage and talked on the microphone. "I'll...keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge--to hone your craft and acquire new skills--and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose--direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step." Ozpin said to everyone as he leaves everyone. Cole rubbed his chin as he was impressed of Ozpin, Kai smiled because he worked hard to get to this school, Flare groaned and was the first one to leave, and Flash smriked to show everyone that Faunas are way better than humans in fighting Grimms...

That night,

Cole was in the dressing room changing into his underwear, which was white boxers with hearts on it, and his pajama pants. On his left is his stuff that he packed up. There he sees an old, rusty broadsword in it's case. "...Lucky huh?" Then Jaune came from at of no where wearing all pajamas "I hate this so much." He said sighing. Cole smirked "So....that dress?" "Its not a dress....just sleeping wear." "Which is pajamas that little kids wear." "....Its the only thing to wear while I'm sleeping...because I'm embrassed." "Of girls seeing your underwear?" "....Yeah..." "It can't be that bad." He sighed and whispered Cole what the underwear looks like. Cole's eyes were widen "Oh...then its bad. Well I got some cool pants and shirt if you want to wear it." Cole suggested helping Jaune not looking goofy.

Kai yawned as he was wearing only his white underwear and he was only his sleeping bag. Then he sees Flash, who was wearing his flaming jacket and jeans to sleep in, and Flare, who worn a weird suit to sleep in, walking and talking. Although Flare looked very annoyed of Flash, Flash kept talking. 'And I thought I was annoying.' He thought to himself. He went over to them "Hi." Kai said to them. "Go away, Kai." Flash said annoyed. Flare was getting more annoyed. Then Cole comes walking with Jaune "So where are you gonna sleep at?" "Just over there man." Jaune answered Cole. "Cool. I'm pretty sure some girls will like ya man." Cole said as Jaune was wearing cool blue shorts. "Thanks Cole." "No problem. Anytime Jaune." He said as he laid next to him with his sleeping bag. "Well night man." Jaune said as he he immediately fell asleep. Cole was about to go to sleep when Flare and Flash were yelling at each other. "What's your problem you big tough guy?" Flash asked with a harsh tone. "Me? What about you Wolf Boy. You won't leave me alone." "Um guy-" Kai was then glared at by both Flash and Flare "What is it?!" "Um people are trying to sleep. Now let's go to bed." Kai said looking at them with a grin. Flash groaned and walked across the room to stay away from Kai and Flare. Flare groaned and walked off too. "...This is gonna be very interesting." Cole said to himself blowing out a candle.

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