Chapter 7: Kai and Penny's Misadventure; Reunion With Old Buddies

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The next day after class, Cole was counting his Dust bullets in elemental order: Water, Wind, Earth, Fire, Lightening, Metal, etc. Then Kai and Penny comes in, "Oh hey guys." Cole said not paying any attention." "Hello Mr. Cole." Penny replied while being polite. "Just call me Cole, Penny. Also what's up?" "Flash and Flare are sparring again the fourth time." Kai jumped on his bed. Then Penny sat on a chair nearby Kai. "So if I remember correctly,"


"Your first mission is protect this girl, Penny." Ozpin said pointing at Penny who smiled. "Why do we need to protect her?" Flare asked. "Classified. Just protect her until her father comes around till then." Cole and Flare were curious. "How does she know Kai?" "Shes Kai's cousin." Flash looked at her...mostly her body. "Not bad cousin." Flare pulled his ear "Ow! Ow! Ow!" "Quit being a pervert you flithy wolf." "You asshole!" Both were fighting. Cole and Opzin looked at them "...Anyways Cole. Kai will be with her at all times. You don't question anything towards him nor let them question him." Cole pulled up two fingers and made a peace sign "Booyeah!" "..No" Flare said. Kai smiled

End of Flashback

Cole sighed and remembered. Though hes very curious now. "...So Kai. Whos Penny's Dad?" "Wait till he comes then I'll tell ya." He said "Anyways me and Penny are going into town. Want to come?" "Nah. I gotta make sure Flare and Flash don't destory the school." "Okay then let's go Penny!" "Yeah!" "Yeah!" Both cheered as they left. Cole sighs and noticed a familiar voice. "Cole you idiot!" "Hmm?"

Flare and Flash were in the sparring rooms as both were fighting furiously. "You need to control your semblance and temper." Flare said dodging easily Flash's strikes and bullets. "Shut up and stop moving." Flash yells and swings his Flying Claws everywhere, but Flare appeared from the bottom and uppercut him with his butt of his Dragon Sword. Flash goes flying into a wall "ACK!" Flash was stuck on the upper part of the wall. "...You done for today?" "GGGRRRRRR NO!" He roars in anger as his whole body burst into flames and charges at Flare with great speed. Flare was surprised of how fast he is and quick made his arms turn into fire. He punches Flash and Flash suddenly hits him in the back. Flare flies into a wall. Flash charges to finish the job, but he froze in place. Goodwich then yells "Enough! Both of you did very well, but take a break from sparring." Flare was very surprised and furious as Flash was this close to knock him out, but Flash was asleep as soon as his flames were gone from his body. Flare sighed and picks up Flash. "Getting better Wolfie."

Cole looks at Weiss "...Hey Snow Princess." "How can the likes of you get in here?" "I could ask the same." Weiss growled "..I fought a man named Adam who worked for the White Fang. He had a helper and I think the helper is here." Weiss looked at him and sat on next to him "I see. How's life?" She asked "Good. I'm the leader of Team CKFF." "...That's the worse team name ever." Cole groans "Anyways I know we are in bad terms, but I need your help." Weiss looked at Cole again and smirked evily "If you help me, you have to help me with one thing." Cole looked scared now.

Kai and Penny were walking alone throughout the whole day. "So Penny why is Uncle leaving you here?" "Well I don't know much other than simiply hang out." Kai sighed "Want Mint Chocolate?" "Yes!" Penny screamed in front of everyone. Kai smiled and saw felt someone following them. "...Strange..." "You sense it?" "Yeah. On acount of three." Penny nodded as ten men in black suits and red ties were walking by. "THREE!" Penny knocked two, with her arms, down in the concrete. Kai pulled out his Grimm Ripper Mode 1 out in two Katanas and cut three of the men's clothes and weapons off. The first grunt shoots at Penny and Kai, but both dodged quickly and the grunt noticed all of his friends were knocked out and naked. "Well who sent ya?" Kai asked. "No one. I ain't telling ya." Kai shrugged and cut off his clothes except for his underwear. "Tell your hander or boss to leave us to alone." The grunt ran away. Kai and Penny high five, but she knocked Kai down "...Oops."

Flare sighed and looked out to see the beatiful symmetry "Amazing..." Flash appeared with bandages on his head and face. "What the scene?" "No the fight, you survived my semblance and most of my attacks. I went full power on ya when I was in my semblance." Flare smirked "You need to control your emotions before using your semblance. I was lucky I didn't kill ya." "You're the one who went through the wall." Flash laughed and Flare smiled 'What I'm smiling? Why am I happy?' Flare wouldn't want to know.

Cole sighed as he had to try a black suit and pants with a red tie. Weiss giggled "Come on Cole. You like the suit." "I would rather kiss a Grimm than trying the suit. Why make me wear it?" "Just being nice." "What happened of being all mean on the guy you knew for so long?" "...Sometimes I can go too far for what I did or do. I'm here to make ya feel...uh friended." Cole smirked "Hey I don't hold any anger. I'm not an angry guy is what I'm saying. Also this suit won't do without a dance." Weiss groans "In your dreams, but I wish you luck." "Hope you'll find that perfect guy." Cole said giving a brofist. Weiss looks at his fist and brofist Cole.

Kai and Penny were running for HOURS from a riot. Why you may ask? Because Kai accidently spilled Tomato Soup on a famous singer, Jackson Tyler, and all of his fans were there to see it. They out run the riot. "" "Maybe you shouldn't have spilled your fo-" "Shut up Penny. I know. Anyways we better head back to Beacon. I'm sure everyone else had a better day than us." Kai said walking with Penny back to Beacon.

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