Chapter 1: A Shining Beacon Part 1

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The next day, a lot of teenagers around Revenant were waiting for the helicarrier to take them to Beacon Academy. There it was flying over to the teenagers. Once then everyone was inside. As the helicarrier took off, Cole was sitting down as he felt a little uneasy "Okay...Maybe I shouldn't eat that whole pizza before I left." He groaned. Kai was off looking at the city with a smile "Wow this looks awesome." He said. Flare didn't care and was looking like he just doesn't want to be here. Flash yawned and sat next to the window. Then as the ship moved, Cole accidentally bumped into a girl. "Hey!" "Oh sorry." Cole looks at the girl and got full detail. She is 16 years old, short black and red hair, grey eyes, wearing a black shirt, black and red skirt, red cloak, black boots with red strings, and red hood. He also noticed a sort of red case...probably her weapon. "Oh its no problem. Names Ruby Rose." She said shyly. Cole thought she was shy because this was their first day going to Beacon. "Cole Fox. Nice to meet ya." "Aren't you from the train dust incident?" Ruby asked. Cole sighed and nodded his head "Yeah its a long story, but yeah in the end I failed." "Its okay. I try to get TorchWick." Cole looked at Ruby with surprised look "You against the infamous TorchWick?! Thats awesome!" He said excitedly. Then a 18 year old girl with long blond hair, blue eyes, wearing a yellow shirt, brown jacket, black booty shorts, and brown boots, and has yellow gauntlets on. He wondered if those are powerful weapon....oh well. Anyways, "Hi little baby sis." "YANG! Stop calling me a baby." Ruby yelled at Yang. Cole was again surprised to see both total different girls are sisters...meh. "Names Cole Fox." "Oh names Xaio Long Yang....or just Yang." "Nice to meet ya guys." Cole said, but his stomach didn't feel okay....or good in anyway! "Oh! My stomach. I'll see you ladies later." He said leaving them. Kai was looking down below the streets and smiled. "This is so cool!" He said excitedly. Flare and Flash were nearby when suddenly Cole comes over and started to puke on their shoes. "The hell?!" Flash yelled "Oh come on! I just wash these!" Flare yelled in anger. Flare shoved the sick Cole. Kai looks at Cole and laughs...

It was about an hour as they finally got to Beacon Academy. Cole was the first one to get out. Soon he was throwing up in the trash can. Then a 18 year old male with short blond hair, blue eyes, wearing brown gloves, jeans, white shirt, light body armor, and has a broads sword on his waist belt, also threw up in the same trash can. "...Well... Air sickness too?" He asked Cole "Ate a whole pizza." "Shouldn't have done that." "I know....names Cole." "Jaune." "Nice to meet you." Cole and Jaune stands up. "So what's up?" Cole asked Jaune. As then Flash was out of the ship, he sees Kai following him "Go away." "Nope." "Go away." "Nah." "GO AWAY!" "No." Flash was starting to get annoyed by the human "You think I'm joking around?! I said for you! To. Go. Away. Now!" Flashed yelled with his wolf eyes glared at Kai, but he shrugged "I'm bored. Besides I need some friends." Kai said. Flash was about to say something, but he said "Meh. You're right. Just try not to annoyed me." "Yes! First" "Flash." "Kai." "I really want to punch you now." Flash said walking with Kai inside the building. Flare kept walking ahead trying to not make contact with anyone in this stupid school. Jaune and Cole kept talking "So you were on the train when the dust was stolen." Jaune asked Cole. Cole sighed "Yeah I mean one White Fang member actually got the better of me...I think his name was Adam...oh well anyways how did you get in this school?" " fought off a lot of Beowolves with only a classic sword." He lied. Cole shrugged "Anyone could do that, but I don't know you that much so I can't say." Cole said as then an explosion happened. There they see Ruby dizzy and a 18 year old girl with long white hair, white eyes, wearing white dress, white boots, and holding a grey ripper on her waist belt. Cole looked in shock to see Weiss. Weiss was scolding and yelling at Ruby. Then he sees a 18 year old girl with long black hair, black bow, white and black dress, purple boots, and has some swords on her waist belt. "Well excuse me Princess i-" "Heiress actually. The heiress of the Schnee Dust Company." Cole knew that because he works for the company as a guard...until he was the daughter..."Finally someone has knowledge." "And has faunas hard labor." Weuiss looked at the girl and growled. Both walked away from Ruby. "Welcome to Beacon..." She muttered. Then Jaune walked over before Cole could help her. "Hi. Need help?" Jaune asked pulled out his hand and Ruby got up "Thanks...aren't you the puke boy?"...

Kai noticed that Flash went missing after he said "Wait here." Then bam, he's gone. Kai sighed and realized he was ditched. "Well this day co-" "NORA!" "ACK!" Kai jumped up in the air and to see a 18 year old girl with short orange hair, blue eyes, wearing grey shirt, pink shorts, pink boots, and has some grenade launcher on her back. "HelloI'mNoraandIwanttobefriends!" Nora said talking way too fast for Kai "Uhhh...Hey I'm Kai." He said. Nora grabbed his hand and shakes it fast. Then a 18 year old boy with black and one strain of pink hair, purple eyes, wearing a green shirt, brown pants, black shoes, and....uhhh where are his weapons? Probably in the case. Oh well. "Nora don't scare people like that. That's the fourth time today." The boy said. "But Reeennnn I'm trying to make friends." Ren groaned. "Names Kai." Kai said looking dizzy. "So anyways how are you guys?" "Not much, we were going to the ceremony." " you two together?" "Yeah,butnotliketogethertogetherthatwouldbeweird." "...Nora please speak clearly." "What I said was 'Yeah, but not like together together that would be weird.'." Kai nodded "Mind if I joined you guys?" "We won't mind." Both said...

Flare was getting very annoyed of these stupid teenagers in this school. Its already the first day and he would rather go to prison than this annoying crap....then again...."Hm?" Then he sees a yellow tail in his face "ACK!" Flare pulled out his Dragon Sword and tries to cut the tail, but the tail moved quickly "Yikes! Dude watch the tail!" "And you watch your tai- Sun?" A 18 year old boy with blond hair, green eyes, wearing a white jacket, no shirt, jeans, white sneakers, and holds two small red shotguns."Flare? Is that you?" Flare smriked "Ain't I stylist?" "That's Flare. What's been happening man?" "Well I was forced into the school." "Mmm figures." "You?" "Well just pass some trials, killed some Grimm, the usual." " has been awhile." "You got the Dragon Sword?" "Yes....but I found out it lost all of its magical talents." Flare said with a groan. "Hmm oh well." "So when does this ceremony start?"

Flash finally got away from that annoying Kai kid. He sighed and got to the ceremony "When does this start? Like my god this is bbbboooorrrrriiiiinnnnggggg." Flash said groaning. "...Maybe I shou-" Then he sees Yang walking slowly in the ceremony. "Hba hba hba hba wooowww." He said as his tail waged and his eyes changed into hearts. He instantly fall in love with Yang "This school is awesome." He said...

Cole, Jaune, and Ruby walked along the path "Sorry when I saw you, you were puking so." "Oh yeah. Would you like to be called Carter Face?" "Hey!" Cole groaned as he was with Ruby and Jaune arguing about how they said their names. "I'm Jaune Arc. Its sweet, short, rolls off the tongue easily, and ladies love it." "I'm Cole Fox, I'm pretty sure ladies love it too." "I'm Ruby Rose and do they?" " least thats Mom said...." Both said at the same time. Ruby giggled "Well I got this." Her red case turns into a red and black Scythe "Whoa!" "Yikes!" "Nice weapon?" "Hell yeah." Cole said. "Did you made that?" Jaune asked. "Yeah its a .50 caliber rifle into a Scythe." "Cool. Mines a .50 caliber machine gun into a Javelin." "...Mines is just a sword." Jaune said showing his broadsword. "I got one too. Its old though and I win every time using it. I call it Lucky Blade and yeah." Cole said. "....So why did you help me Jaune?" "Because why not? I mean strangers are friends who you just never met." Jaune said. Then Cole noticed something "...Are we going the right way?" Ruby asked "I don't know you?" Jaune asked Cole. "I don't know either. I was following Ruby too."...

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