Chapter 10: Forever Fall Part 1

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It was early in the morning, when Cole woke up by his cell phone. He was getting a call from Weiss. He picks it up and says "Yes?....Why?....Of course I'm coming to the Mall....No...Oh come on I hate doing tha-...Oh alright I'm coming." Cole hangs up and gets dressed. Cole noticed Flare and Flash aren't around...also Kai isn't either. Him and Kai had been training in some days, but Kai hanged with Penny all the time. He knew Penny and Kai are cousins, but they hanged out alot. He didn't mind though. He barely hangs with Flare and Flash. If he wants to be a good leader, then he must know his teammates. He'll have to wait for that and wants to go see Weiss.

Kai and Penny were in Ozpin's office. "...Ozpin...I'm starting to think Uncle isn't here for only visit." "...Yes you're right. Hes here for another reason." Kai was silent and looked at Penny "Is Penny okay being here when shes supposed to be at Atlas?" "He'll have to tell you himself." Kai was pissed. He and his Uncle aren't always the closest family members. Penny was playing with a sword. " there a threat?" Kai asked

Flare and Flash were studying Grimm. "Why the Hell are we studying these stupid Grimm?" "Not all Grimm are stupid. They may not have souls, but they have brains. They're smarter than they look. I fought some before...they almost killed me because they fought other Huntermen like me. Flash its important to study your opponent at all times. Like their strengths and weaknesses." Flare smiled at Flash, but he was confused and sighed.

Two hours later,

Cole and Weiss are over the Mall. "...I'm sorry" Weiss said "Its f-" "about your family." Cole stopped talking and sighed "I knew since we were kids. I'm sorry for not telling you earlier." "Its best forgotten." "But I-" "Look its fine...I just...I don't want to be reminded." He slows down his walking. "...Thats not really what you want is it?" "Yes its really it." "What about Winter?! Huh? The woman who kicked my father's butt and then fired him! It was already hard enough that my family is poor." Weiss stayed quiet. Cole sighed "...How about Dinner tonight kiddo?" "Asking me out already?" "No. You're not my type." "Just as Friends." Both said smiling. "Hey Weiss and Cole." Ruby said as she appears happy. Both smilied and walked off towards Ruby.

Jaune sighed and he doesn't have much choice. Being bullied by Cardvin who knows his secret, hurting Pyhrra, and failing. He hated the feeling, but he doesn't know what to do. Then he remembers what Cole and Flare said. Two days are away from getting Syrups from the Everfree Forest. "......I know what I must do..."

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