Kiss Me Slowly

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I'm so obsessed with this song  y'all have no idea but I didn't know how to put it into the story and the end is near so if I don't do it now I may not do it ever sooooo here it is.


Turned out Neymar's fears of Leo's parents suspecting something were unfounded. Leo arrived home quite early hoping that the residents of the house were still sleeping. When he stepped into the house, Antonella cornered him.

„Leo, where the hell were you?"- she hissed.

„What do you think?" - he hissed back trying to sweep Anto's hands away from his chest.

„I had to tell your parents that you went to sleep early so they wouldn't ask where you were." - she tried to keep her voice low but the angry tone was still clear and unmistakeable. „I go to bed late and wake up early every fucking day so they won't notice that we aren't sleeping in the same room, and now you do this, I'm done covering for you!" - she pointed a finger at him at the last sentence just for the dramatic effect.

„Fine, you don't have to." - Leo walked past her to go to the kitchen to find something to eat (he couldn't have a breakfast at Neymar's house because Neymar was still sleeping when he left).

„What do you mean?" -Anto followed him, insistently waiting for an answer.

„I mean, we are going to tell them the truth soon, so you don't have to cover anything anymore." - Leo bit into an apple and satisfiedly hummed as the fresh and deliciously sweet flesh of fruit filled his mouth.

Anto seemed to be annoyed by the sounds he made because she snorted and took a few steps back until she couldn't hear them anymore.

„So does this mean I can leave?" - she clapped her hands together to express excitement, but Leo shook his head and answered „Soon."

Just when Anto was about to leave him alone, her words reached Leo's mind and he shouted „Anto?" - to stop her from leaving for a moment.

Anto stopped but she didn't look at him. „What?"

„Thank you." - Leo said simply, because he felt like she deserved at least this after helping him with his parents.

„You know I'm just doing it because you're paying me." - she answered, and with that, she was gone.

Leo took another bite of the apple and smiled to himself incredously. Anto did everything to make herself look evil, and Leo was doing the same to her, it's a miracle how they managed to pull off the act of a happy couple so perfectly.


Leo and Neymar agreed on waiting with the announcement until Leo is officially back in training and able to complete it whole (that seemed to last longer than expected after he drove his car without medical permission, but Leo thought it was worth it anyways). Neymar also suggested to tell it to their teammates first, which Leo found a good idea. They didn't get the time to be nervous about it together because except the trainings, they only communicated via texts, especially because Neymar had to travel to Brazil in the meantime to play for the NT, but even like this, their palms started sweating or their legs started trembling when they thought about what was coming soon.


The good results came, Neymar was playing scintillatingly, the athmosphere in the dressing room was great again, they had no reason to procrastinate any longer.

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