Stay With Me

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„Leo please. At least look at me.” - Leo heard Neymar's voice, but it was more like an echo, he didn't see, hear or feel anything, he just wanted to skip back in time, start the game again and do something that reminds everyone of who he is, something that makes people say it can be described with one word, and that word is „Messi”, like they always do when he is playing well. But it was impossible. They lost. They had the chance to take the lead in the league, even if it was only for one day, but they wasted it. And Leo, just like always, was blaming himself.

„Leo, if you don't talk to me I can't help you.” - said Neymar again. He was devastated too. But he always felt better when he didn't see Leo being upset or sad, but that wasn't the case this time, and he wanted to do anything to cheer him up. But Leo was sitting on his seat, massively staring at the floor without moving. Neymar was standing on his knees in front of him, doing everything he could to make him at least move.

„If you don't say something, I'm going to start singing and dancing, and I'm sure you don't want that.” - It was pretty much Neymar's last attempt.

Leo shrugged. He knew that Neymar was crazy, but he wasn't that crazy to be so disrespectful to start dancing after they lose. He had no idea that Neymar was serious.

Neymar formed a microphone with his hand and cleared his throat, then started to sing the first song that came to his mind.

„Nossa, nossa
Assim você me mata” - he stopped for a moment to see if Leo reacted, but he felt the need to continue.

„Ai, se eu te pego,
Ai, ai, se- …” - Leo pressed his hand against Neymar lips and looked at him seriously. Neymar got a little bit scared of that look, he was always afraid of pissing Leo off, and with his nature he had to be very careful, but Leo slightly started to smile.

„Alright, what do you want?” – he asked and he finally let go of Neymar.”

„I want you to stop blaming yourself, or at least talk about it with someone. And by someone I mean me.”

Leo found weird that Neymar was suddenly acting like they were best friends again when in the last few days they barely noticed each other. Yes, they talked sometimes, but it still wasn't the same as before.

„There is nothing to talk about. We lost. It's over now.” - Leo answered bitterly.

„Yes, but I know you. You are blaming yourself. It was just one game, we still can win any other games.” - Neymar tried to sound comforting, but his voice was shaky and insecure.

Leo narrowed his eyes at him.

„I don't think I am the one who came to the dressing room crying and banging his head against the wall.”

That was something Neymar didn't want to remember of, he had really hard time dealing with the loss as well, but he was amused by the fact that under the veil of sadness lying on his mind, Leo still

saw how Neymar reacted when finally there was only them, without the cameras capturing every moment.

Neymar crossed his arms over his chest.

„I had to let it out. But it's better now. Really.”

„Of course it is.” - Leo sounded very sarcastic, but the corners of his lips tugged upwards into a soft smile.

„That's how I like it.” - Neymar chuckled, playfully pinching Leo's pale cheeks.

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