Another Love

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Ok, so first of all, WTF is this new Wattpad design? I don't really like it tbh. 

Second of all. This is my favorite song ever and I've been waiting for the right moment to attach it to a chpter ever since I started the fanfic. Also, I guess this is the longest chapter so far but also it's one of my favorites, but I'll start speaking now because I know you all want Neymessi and not my silly comments XD



It was all new to Neymar that he knew and he felt that he was in love with Leo. And it was something he never felt before. Something inexplainable yet incredibly strong. Last time when he claimed he was in love was nothing compared to this. And maybe he's always been this way, he was just not ready to admit it.

But love is unselfish. And he knew, or more like he thought that it's better if he just keeps it to himself because Leo doesn't want him and doesn't love him and this feeling will go away once.

He only cared about Leo and his happiness, and he accepted that his happiness is not beside him but beside someone else. Yes, that felt like the right thing to say and think.

But then why was he feeling like he was burning inside, and like it was the most painful thing he has ever experienced?

Leo was different. His feelings have always been blunter than the ther people's. When he loved someone he never felt the passion. He just knew he loved them and that was it.

He missed Neymar. But he accepted that he had to move on. Being with him made him lose his mind, and he thought he was more mature and more professional than that.

But the fixing his relationship with Anto thing failed again. She was so cold with him, like she knew that there was someone else in Leo's life who made him feel loved, but of course that was impossible, no one knew except them. She always spent her days going out with friends and she often left Thiago at home so Leo could spend more time with him, and that was really nice, Thiago was the most important thing in Leo's life.

If he would have stayed with Neymar and Anto had figured it out then one of the parents would have left the house, and that would be the worst thing that can happen to a kid, and Leo had to consider that too, in fact that was the one thing that kept him back from calling Neymar or meeting Neymar every time he felt the longing unbearable. He just had to look at his son and it disappeared, it's easy like that.

Sometimes when he stayed alone with Thiago he thought about Neymar's son and that their kids never got the chance to get to know each other, to play together and show each other their toys, just the casual things that two little boy can do together.

Leo smiled at the thought that they would be like their dads when they first met and none of them knew the other's language and they were trying so hard to make each other understand what they wanted to say, but somehow they always ended up laughing at it. So good that Neymar has learned Spanish and they didn't have that problem anymore, or maybe sometimes they did in deeper conversations but Leo always helped him and that was good for both of them.

Or at least he used to help him because they didn't allow themselves to notice the other, they were afraid that they couldn't stop at only talking and they ended up where they started. But that way always leads to nowhere.

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