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Thursday. Neymar's 23th birthday. Also, they were back at training. People on their birthday are usually very depressed because again, they got older, but not Neymar, who was still young enough to be happy about his birthday, so he woke up in a good mood, and he had it until he realized that he had to go to training, where there was a huge chance he'd meet Leo, who he was still mad at.

When he got ready and walked out the bedroom his friends and family were already in the living room and they attacked him with their birthday wishes. Neymar was surprised only by the fact that they went there so early, not to mention that they technically broke into his house.

In the dressing room, Leo was so excited to see Neymar, he didn't really admit it but he actually missed him and he was worried about the fact that Neymar might be mad at him. When Neymar walked in he greeted everyone, except Leo. Leo waited until he arrived next to him and tried to smile wider than usual.

„Hi, Ney, how was your trip to Qatar?”

Normally, Neymar would faint right there knowing that Leo is looking for his company and asks him about his trip, but that wasn't the case this time. He was pretending to not hear what he said, and not see his cute smile that he always appreciated so much, but this time he didn't even flinch, he kept on fumbling with his bag even thought he wasnt looking for anything, he just wanted Leo to leave him alone.

But Leo didn't give up.

„Ney, do you hear me?”

Neymar didn't answer.

„Are you mad at me for something?”

Leo was about to cry. He didn't like when people were mad at him, he was always known as the guy everybody likes because he was polite and quite and everything positive a person can be described with. And not only the fact that someone was mad at him, but that it was Neymar, who always loved here and stood by his side was hurting him. But he never begged for anyone, he always found smarter to give people time to think. And so did now. Neymar wasn't talking to him and he didn't do anything to change it.

Neymar was expecting him to at least try harder, not thinking about the fact that he wouldn't answer him anyways. He thought about the day before yesterday, when he was crying on Geri's shoulder. Back then, he didn't know his reasons, but thinking about it deeper it was obvious that because of Leo and the way he treated him. Neymar found himself ridiculous at this point. He was way too sensitive. But it was about Leo. He was always sensitive when it came to Leo. But he wasn't used to getting disappointed in him.

„Neymar, don't you wanna... dress up or something?” - Neymar heard a voice. He looked up and saw Dani Alves looking at him with a little bit confusedfacial expression. Neymar realized that he was so deeply in his thoughts that he forgot to change his clothes, and most of the teammates have already left the dressing room.

„Umm... sure I'll dress up right now, you just go to training I'll go after you.”- he answered.

Dani wanted to stay and ask questions like he always did, but this time he just walked out without a word. He could talk to Neymar later, but that wasn't the right time.

During training, Leo did everything to impress Neymar, he passed the ball to him, tried to stand by him at every chance he got, he even remembered that Neymar used to beg him so much to pose for the camera with him but he never wanted to, but this time he did, only for him, it was Neymar's birthday after all, but nothing worked out, Neymar still didn't want to talk to him.

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