All Good Things Come to an End

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Jesus Christ, you all seem to be panicking when the update is late, haha.

I'm busy as hell and I'll stay this way until the summer finally comes, but the update will always arrive, sooner or lates.

Also, I need y'all to stop worrying about Neymar, he'll be fine, I promise :D


When they finally remember that they are supposed to be breathing and moving it's already too late. Dani is the first one to regain his awareness, but he finds the situation too awkward to handle and the first thing that comes to his mind is to grab a pillow and hide his face behind it.

„Ignore me. Just do whatever you two are usually doing." - but a second after he changes his mind - „DON'T YOU DARE TO DO WHAT YOU'RE USUALLY DOING. Just talk nicely ok? Dani is not here."

Leo watched the whole scene without batting an eyelid, he was rather listening to Neymar's nervous, sometimes too shaky breathing, and that was the thing that told him the whole story behind Dani's not-too-ordinary behaviour.

When the silence finally settles between them and he's had enough time to get dramatic, he starts speaking.

„You told him." - is all he says.

„AAAAAAAAAARGH." - they hear a sound from behind the pillow and it obviously doesn't take long to realize that it's coming from Dani, who still tries to save the unsavable. „Wait. Told me what?" - he asks binking innocently. Leo doesn't believe that he doesn't know what they are talking about and Neymar knows that.

„It wasn't me. It was Gustavo."

Leo starts walking around the room nervously, and the two boys are following his path with their eyes.

„Gustavo. Right. I should have knows. You said that he isn't going to tell anyone."

„Yeah but he stayed alone with Dani when I left and he couldn't keep his mouth shut. But don't worry, it's only Dani."

„Woah woah woah, wait there, what do you mean 'only Dani'? - asks Dani, who they completely forgot about.

Leo and Neymar both send him a death stare for interrupting and Dani decides to hide back behind his pillow.

„We should talk about this somewhere else." - Leo says, and he turns around to go, with following his footsteps.

„Bye Leo! It was nice to see you." - Dani shouts after them, but he doesn't get an answer probably because Leo didn't hear it.

„Look, Leo, I'm so sorry for Gustavo's mistake I don't even know how it happened..." - Neymar starts explaining in front of the house.

„Ney..." - Leo says.

„I told him not to tell anyone and he promised me and he kept his promise for a long time but..."


„..but when I left for the national team Dani was keeping him company and he just..." - he just couldn't keep it to himself anymore, that's what Neymar wanted to say, but he couldn't finish because he felt wet lips landing on his mouth, and two strong hands cupping his face. It didn't last longer than three seconds, but it was enough to leave Neymar breathless so he stopped talking finally.

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