Sick Cycle Carousel

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Life hasn't been so easy for Leo Messi lately, though it wasn't really different than before. It's just that every day is the same. He wakes up, eats, goes to training, gets some death stares from Neymar, goes home, plays with the kid, eats, sleeps, and repeat. After a while you get tired of it, you start missing the action. Though he massively stated that he moved on from Neymar, every night, when he was standing in front of the mirror after showering, he looked at his eyes that were darker and sadder than before, and asked himself „What is wrong with me?"

The answer is obvious, but hell if he admits it to himself. Weeks went by like that, and all he knew about Neymar meanwhile that he was on good terms with another guy called „Mateo", but according to Dani, they weren't dating. But then why does this Mateo guy annoys the hell out of him? Every time he hears his name or just thinks about him, he wants to break something.Or sometimes not even just wants to, but actually does. Maybe it's because he's so cringeworthy. He saw him only once but it was enough to determine that. But maybe he's actually a nice guy, and it's just his silliness.

He didn't share the bed with Anto ever since the night he found a drunk Neymar in front of the house, and well, we can say that their relationship wasn't really pleasant. Whenever he was missing the action in his life, Anto made sure to put it back by starting a new and a new and an even newer fight almost every day. And not cute make ups followed those fights, but long and quite unbearable silences. He knew it had to come.The day when they finally sit down and talk about how to continue their life, because this current situation isn't good for any of them. Will it be today? Will it be tomorrow? Not sure. Whenever he gathers his courage, he will sit down to talk to her.

Anto is sitting on the couch tightly hugging her legs, rocking back and forth. When Leo steps in she turns around and she feels only by looking at him that something very serious and inevitable is coming.

„I wanted to talk to you." - she lets Leo know. Leo stops walking for a moment to give her a half-surprised, half-confused look, but mostly he starts worrying because he doesn't know why, but he thinks that Anto may have found out what was going on between him and Neymar, and he doesn't want to hear her questions, so he interrupts her.

„No, I wanted to talk to YOU." - he says, emphasizing the 'you'.

„Please let me start it, I have to. Sit down." - she answers, reaching out over the backrest of the couch to grab Leo's hand and lead him to her, and when Leo sits down she changes her place and sits on the coffee table so they are face to face, yet keeping that ice cold athmosphere they had since Leo arrived, carefully making sure that their legs just aren't touching.

Anto lets out a shaky and highly frustated breath, turning her head to the window, pensively looking at the rays of light coming in.

„I..." - she starts.

Leo comes out of the comfortable sitting pose he was in and leans closer to her. She doesn't seem to be continuing her speech, so he tries to encourage her. „You what?"

„I... I cheated on you." - she says without any further hesitating. She just has to tell him everything. Their relationship has been ruined a long time ago anyway, so why not be at least honest to each other for one last time. Leo suddenly doesn't feel like being close to her anymore, he leans back in his seat and slips down, and he doesn't even care about his legs bumping into Antonella's which almost oversets her alongside the coffee table.

Antonella? Cheated on him? But... he was so depressed for months for spending one freaking night with Neymar, and now Anto tells him that she cheated on him aswell. All those sleepless nights, the hours spent with thinking, the sacrifices, they were for nothing.This is so confusing.

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