How Deep Is Your Love?

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I have no idea how can this song be connected with the story but I was listening to it while writing so I recommend you the same, if you want to. Also I don't know why y'all didn't like the last chapter but it won't get a lot diferrent anymore since there aren't many chapters left, and I thought we were supposed to be happy about Neymar and Mateo breaking up? If not then tell me and I'll bring them back together right away, you just have to ask. Anyways, enjoy the chapter.


„You hate it." - Leo is referring to Neymar's new haircut. Or maybe it can't even be called a haircut. He had lost a bet against Dani and the team all together except some shier individuals (like Leo), they shaved it. From the dressing room, he came out with a badly shaved head and an unbreakable frown on his forehead.

„No, I love it." - Neymar yanks off Leo's hand from his head. Leo switches to a more teasing tone of voice.

„Come ooon, you hate it. Just admit." - he leans closer and steadfastly places his hand on Neymar's head massaging his scalp gently, enjoying the feeling of the harsh stubble under his fingers.

Neymar gives him a deadly look.

„I'm gonna break your other leg too." - he hisses. Neymar is referring to Leo who just picked up an injury. He tore a ligament in his left knee, so breaking his other leg wasn't quite accurate, but Leo got the point. They went through living hell after Leo had to leave the pitch. Neymar still had to play for almost 90 minutes, and Leo had to go through several medical tests that determined how serious this injury is. Neymar couldn't even focus on the game, all he thought was that this can't be happening, Leo will show up soon and say that everything is fine, but when Leo did show up, he told them what deep downthey already knew was going to happen: he has to be out for 2 months.

Of course, Neymar became over protective soon enough, he tried to make Leo feel better by escorting him home and putting several pillows on the couch so he could sit down. He offered him painkillers, food and even offered his own knee so Leo could play instead of him. At some point it got ridiculous, and Leo did his best to assure Neymar that everything is fine, all he wants is his presence and maybe some Fifa to distract him. So the ended up playing Fifa at Leo's house, Leo sitting on the couch surrounded by pillows and Neymar on the floor next to him.

„GOAAAL." - Leo shouts as his team score again. He is leading 4-1 against Neymar and Neymar can't stop gritting his teeth at his success. It's Leo's seventh won game in a row.

„You really should let me win sometimes." - Neymar rolls his eyes.

„Umm, no, where is the fun in that?"

„I would be having fun." - Neymar points at himself. „Isn't that enough?"

Leo pretends to be thinking about it, but he can't do it for long, his mouth streches into a wild smile and he answers with a „No.", and Neymar wants to fight back but this day has already been too much to do so, so he just lets out a frustrated sigh. He lays his head on Leo's lap and Leo considers for a moment that maybe he should touch him but he's afraid Neymar might yank it off again so his hands stick to his sides until Neymar volutarily lifs Leo's hand and places it on his head. He closes his eyes.

„I need to know that you will love me like this too." - he mumbles, his voice hoarse.

„Like what?" - Leo asks and he really doesn't understand.

Neymar tries to swallow the lump in his throat, unsuccessfully.

„Without hair. I'm ugly. Will you still love me the same after this?"

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