Won't Go Home Without You

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„Wow, I never thought I'd see this." - says Neymar staring at the ceiling.

„See what?"- Leo, who was looking at the ceiling as well, now looks at Neymar. Neymar doesn't budge, just lets out a deep and anxious sigh

„Well, your bedroom, basically. Remind we why are we here and not at my place?"


After several days spent at Neymar's, Leo was kinda missing his own home and own bed and he wanted to spend more time with Thiago. At first the idea was the two of them sleeping separately, and the goodbye turned out to be harder than they thought it would be.

„I'm going to miss you so much." - Neymar exclaimed with his arms desperately clinging onto Leo's neck and his fist clutched onto his hair, and he was determined that he won't let go of him.

Leo's arms were helplessly hanging by his side and he lazily lifted one to place a few pats on Neymar's back to calm him down.

„Ney, I will be like 20 minutes away from you, not on a different continent or something."

„I know, I just..." - Neymar started on a high pitched voice while gently tugging on Leo's hair and burying his nose into that one lock he somehow managed to clip between his fingers. He inhaled deeply. „I hate letting you go again."

Leo pushed his body some inches away so he could face him and take his head in both his hands, his fingers massaging his scalp reassuringly.

„It's not like before. This time I'll come back." - he promised and then watched Neymar hardly swallowing and his expression changing from determined to approbatory.

He leaned in to kiss Leo's lips, but despite his expression change his kiss still screamed desperation and something Leo could exactly indentify but it tasted like fear of losing something, and Leo's hear t clenched at how Neymar still thought he wouldn't come back.

It wasn't the right time and he knew it, but Neymar still turned the kiss dirty, his tongue more and more fiercely caressing Leo's and his hand sneakily sliding down his crotch. Leo wasn't completely lost in all these sensations though, he firmly pulled away and while heavily panting into Neymar's mouth, he finally said goodbye.

When Leo arrived home he found nothing but a note left on the kitchen table, with round but almost unreadable woman writing. It was written hastily or anxiously, Leo thought.


I've decided to spend a few days or maybe weeks in London with Daniella. I took Thiago with me, you can call me if you're worried about him but he'll be fine.


Of course, the first thing Leo did was running to his phone and calling Anto, but after continous beeps, the phone service's monotone robotic voice informed him that the line is busy and he should call later or leave a message. He angrily hung up the phone and even more angrily realized that his palm started sweating like crazy and his pulse was getting faster, and he suddenly got the urge to punch the wall, but instead he typed the number he was sure would answer the phone.

At first, Neymar was strongly against the idea of sleeping at Leo's house, but Leo assured him that no one else is at home and they can spend even more time together and otherwise he'd have to sleep alone and that didn't sound fun at all.

So Neymar gave up fighting and half an hour later he was already stomping into his living room cursing in Portuguese and Leo didn't have to be a linguistic genius to tell he was saying that Leo could have just came back to his house and everything would be fine.

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