Chapter 5: The Mystery (S)hack

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(Y/N)'s POV:

When I woke up, I was lying on a brown couch with a wet washcloth on my forehead. A little girl with brown hair and eyes came over. Focusing on her more, I could tell she was pretty young; around twelve years old. She had on a pink sweater with a colorful shooting star on it. She looked at me, seeing that I was awake, and smiled, showing a row of braces on her teeth.

"Hiya! My name's Mabel!" she introduced herself.

"Uh...hi. I'm (Y/N)." I looked around; it looked like I was in some kind of handbuilt shack. "Where am I?"

Mabel helped me up. "The Mystery Shack. It's a well-known tourist trap in Gravity Falls."

"Wait...did you say Gravity Falls?" I looked at her urgently.


"Did you see two older people: a man with (dad's description) and a woman with (mom's description)?" I interrupted her. "Or a (car type)?"

"No, no, and no. Sorry."

My memory of the cause of my unconsciousness made my eyes widen. I hoped that my parents hadn't suffered a worse fate.

"Where did you find me?" I sat up and gripped Mabel's shoulders.

"On the front steps of the Mystery Shack. You were covered in glass and blood."

"I don't remember getting here." I panicked. Did someone bring me here? If so, who?! I started crying, my stress rising.

"Sh sh shh. It's ok, (Y/N)." Mabel hugged me and pat me on the back, calming me down.

"Why don't we go down to the police station and see if your parents are in there?" Mabel suggested.

"I would really appreciate that," I sniffled a bit.

"Alright, let's go."

We left the shack, walking down the dirt road towards the city. Along the way there, my worried mind kept going back to what happened when I was unconscious. I tried retracing my steps to recollect any information I could remember. The lack of this information disappointed me; I was sad about my inability to remember what happened to me within a few hours.

"Hey, (Y/N). Are you ok?" Mabel asked.

"Yeah...I'm just worried," I tried to explain. She put a hand on my back.

"It's ok, I'm sure they're fine." I just nodded, trying to keep my hopes up.

Arriving at the police station, we walked up to the front desk to relay our information. I told him that I was in a crash with my parents. Upon describing their appearances, his face turned to one of sadness.

"Come with me," he said, leading us down the hallway.

"We came across a crash earlier this morning,'s best if you just see."

Opening the door for us, we entered into what looked like a medical room; it had trays of equipment and holding cabinets. There were two tables on which were two figures covered in long white sheets. I walked over to them, removing the covers to see my parents, their pale, dead faces. I gasped in horror, but still tried to keep myself together. Still though, my heart beat with the despair and grief of seeing my deceased parents laying on the cold steel tables.

"(Y/N), do you want to be alone?" I just nodded, too hurt to speak.

Mabel left me alone. Why did this have to happen? Is it my fault? And why am I here?! How did I survive but not my parents?!

Kneeling on the floor, I let my tears escape my eyes. Laying my face in my palms, I cried to myself heavily. It took me a few minutes to calm myself down, but even then, I was still in a deep sense of despair. This emotional situation distracted me from the real world, so I wasn't able to hear Mabel come back in until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, we should get going. Grunkle Stan won't like us skipping work."

With a nod I stood up and followed Mabel out. I accepted her condolences when she offered them, then didn't speak much.

"Look, everything will be fine. You can stay with us at the Mystery Shack and go on adventures with me and my bro."

I pondered it for a moment. "That does sound like fun."

"Are there any other family members we can contact?" she asked.

"No. I either don't know them or they live too far away."

"Ok, well you can just stay with us."

"Ok," I stated quietly.

When we got back to the Mystery Shack, Mabel led me to a spare room that looked like it used to be an office. However, it had a bed and a dresser; not much but it's satisfying. I dropped my suitcase on the floor. One of the officers at the station was kind enough to give it to me since it had everything I would require for this summer. Not even bothering to unpack, I laid down on the bed, wrapping the blanket over me. I wasn't tired, just wanted to be somewhere comfortable but alone.

My curiosity traveled to how I even got here. The Mystery Shack wasn't far from town, so it shouldn't have been far from the freeway. But I don't think anyone would have been kind enough to bring me here. Even so, why here and not wherever they lived or were staying? This situation is just confusing. It's nice, though; knowing that someone brought me to a place with seemingly nice people.

Speaking of nice people, I heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's Mabel. There's some friends who want to meet you," she said from the other side of the door.

"Ok," I said, getting up and opening the door.

Mabel greeted me with a smile, as usual, then walked me down the hall. Hopefully these friends of hers are as nice as she is.

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