Chapter 3: Meeting in Dreams

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I shut off my computer before sighing, stretching my arms over my head. I could've sworn I felt something pop, relaxing my stressed body just slightly. The room went dark without the luminous glow of my computer screen, only dimly lit by the moonlight from outside my window. With a sigh, I lazily walked over to my bed. Finally after three hours of nonstop homework, I'm finally done. I felt a sense of pride and relief when I thought about all the work I've done. It was nothing hard, just extensive. Just seems to be the case when you're in high school. But I'm sure it will be worth it in the end when I go to college.

I crashed on my bed, lazily flipping the covers over me like a sleeping bag. I huddled my body close, enjoying the heat of my body and its accompanying blankets. I looked over at my clock; it's almost eleven. Not as late as I expected, but that's a good thing. I closed my eyes and went to sleep, slipping into my usual dreamland.

Bill's POV:

I hovered over to (Y/N)'s sleeping mortal body, about to follow her into her dreams. Sixteen years since her birth and I have not even spoken a single syllable to her, nor written her a single letter. And despite my lack of contact with her, I know everything about her. Her favorite color, her interests, her attitude, her hopes and dreams, her activities, her secrets, even her body. I snickered at myself for being aware of something so scandalous. Then again, who can blame me when she's the one who unknowingly gets dressed in front of me.

I looked at her face; she fell asleep with a smile. Strange yet interesting; I've barely seen her cry or yell. How fun it would be to see her in pain.

Using the limited power I have access to in this dimension, I entered her dreams. She was walking around the halls, visiting her memories. This was the first time I'd seen her dreams. The reason for that is: one, they are memories I've seen, and two, I've been focused on her parents' memories, (Y/F/N)'s in particular. It's funny to see what he's afraid of and how stupid and irrational he can be, even as a parent.

As she continued walking, I trailed behind curious to see what she was doing. That was until she stopped walking, looking around as if she was expecting something to come into her line of sight. At least she can't see me.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I stopped walking and examined my surroundings. Strange; it felt like something was following me, observing my motions. Yet I couldn't find anything. But I had to be sure.

"I know someone's here," I exclaimed. My voice was carried down the hall.

When I didn't see anything, I just turned back around to continue walking. When I did, I came face to...eye...with some sort of floating yellow triangle. It had one eye, a black bowtie, a hat, and little arms and legs.

'This must just be my imagination,' I thought to myself.

"Oh I'm very much real," he said.

'D-did he my mind?' I assumed the triangle was male by the voice.

"Yes, I read your mind. Still don't believe me?" He formed his fingers like a gun and shot a beam through my chest.

"Aaahh!" I screamed. I started hyperventilating, trying to catch my breath. It couldn't be real. I'm not dying...Oh yeah. I'm dreaming.

"I guess you can say I can see through you. Hahaha!" he laughed at his crappy joke.

I calmed myself and the hole in my chest disappeared.

"Who are you?" I asked, still trying to wrap my mind around the situation.

"Name's Bill Cipher. Nice to meet ya, (Y/N)," he said, lifting his hat up a bit.

"How do you know my name?"

"Oh I know lots of things. Lots of things," he emphasized 'lots'.

"So...are you like a demon or something?"

"I guess you can say that; I'm not entirely good, anyway," he shrugged.

"Why are you here anyway?" I asked. He must be here for a reason.

"That, my dear, is something for me to know and for you to find out." I could hear his smirk.

"Oh look at the time," he exclaimed, pulling out a pocketwatch. "It's time for you to wake up. Don't tell your parents about our little greet. Remember: reality's an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!"

I woke up with a start, breathing heavily. I looked around my room, seeing no sign of the levitating dream dorito. I snickered a bit thinking about the nickname I chose for him. I admit, he was charming, albeit a bit weird, crazy, and mysterious, but those just added to his charm.

I glanced over at my clock. 5:30 in the morning. Time for me to get ready for school. is the last day of school! Summer is going to arrive!

I jumped out of my bed with excitement, frantically getting myself ready for the day. There was no time to waste.

Before leaving the house, I looked at myself; black skinny jeans, a white button-up with a gold sweater, and boots. It almost reminded me of Bill. My cheeks flared up a bit at the thought of how similar I was looking to him. I shook my head and ran out the door.

Bill's POV:

That was quite a sight to behold. She seemed pretty happy about something; more happy than usual. It's so frustrating that she doesn't display any pain. Who knows. Maybe that will change very soon.

I just want to make this clear: Reader is about 16/17 now.

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