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Hey, it's Uni Claws! Ask me anyrhing, from what I'm interested in to my personal life! ((Not to personal, though)) first off, I've got my cousin with me!
So freaking perky.
That's why you love me.
Naw, that's why your girlfriend loves you.
/: )
I hate you.
And that's why you love me.
I love you because you're related to me and I have to love you.
So, I guess that's the first answer. Yes, I am a girl, I have a girlfriend, and I am bi. Don't hate, it's the way I swing.
I'm lesbian. I am not ashamed, hate all you want.
And this is why we even tolerate eachother. Wait, you need a name!
Oh boy.
How about... clopficwriter200?
Are you serious?!
Fine! GameLover2000!
Finally. You know that if I had a YouTube channel, that's what it would be... you just wanted a rise, didn't you.
/: )
I hate you.
The feeling's mutual. Bye!

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