Chapter 11: Day 1 In California && How Do I Tell Her?

Start from the beginning

He came back in the room in less then 5 minutes. 

''Sorry Sam called me, he asked if I wanted to go to his house and hang with him and some other friends tonight. But I said no because I wanted to stay here and make sure you were okay.'' He said while laying back down on the bed. 

I laughed and he looked at me all weird. ''You can go with your friends, it's okay I won't mind.'' I said while kissing him on the cheek. 

Without hesitating he got up, kissed me on the cheek and left. 

I wasn't that worried that he was going to do anything bad since he was going to be with Sam, and when he's with Sam they don't really do anything bad. 

As soon as he left, I fell asleep since I didn't feel good. Hopefully by tomorrow I was going to feel a little bit better?

Kian's P.O.V 

Talia didn't feel good so we stayed home and watched movies the whole time.

Untill Sam called me and asked if I wanted to go over his house because  he was going to have some friends over.

I told Talia that I did not want to go because I wanted to make sure she was okay. But she told me to just go and have fun. 

When I got there, Connor, Sam, and my ex girlfriend Andrea was there.

Yes Andrea Russet is my ex girlfriend, and after I broke up with her, we never really talked. 

I said hi to everyone including her, and the three of us just say there, talking about random things. 

''We should play truth or dare!'' Sam suggested. We all agreed to play and Connor wanted to go first.

''Okay Sam I dare you to lick Kian's foot'' Connor said while laughing. Sam agreed and he licked my foot.

 My foot was all wet from Sam licking it, so I wiped my foot on his pants, and everyone laughed.

''Okay Kian'' Sam said while laughing. ''I dare you to makeout with Andrea''

''Makeout with Andrea?'' I said while turning red. ''I can't what about'' Before I could say another word Sam cut me off. ''Talia doesn't have to know'' He said with a smirk on his face. I had second thoughts but did it anyways.

We made out for a full 5 minutes, Connor had the timer on his phone. 

Yeah I regret this so bad, and if I tell Talia she's going to hate me forever. 

''Does this mean that Kian and Andrea are a thing now?'' Sam said while patting me on the back. I glanced at him and didn't show any expression to what he just said. 

''I have to go I'm going to be late for dinner'' I said though I was lieing. It was 5:00pm, and we don't eat dinner till 7:00pm. But I just felt awkward right after making out with Andrea. 

I didn't even want to go back home, because I knew that I wasn't going to be able to act like everything is okay when it's not. I just made out with my ex, and I'm going out with Talia. What a bad boyfriend I am. 

Once I got home, I said hi to my mom, and slowly walked up the stairs. Before I entered my room, I kept pacing back and forth, trying to tell Talia what I did.

I slowly opened the door, and saw that she was sleeping. I gently tapped her shoulder, and she woke up.

''Hey keen'' She said with a big smile on her face. 

''Hi hun are you feeling any better?'' I said trying to not make her ask what had happened at Sam's or even question what we did over at his house. But I could not play it off, usually when I get nervous I start to bite my lip, and Talia knows that too. 

''Yes I am, but how come you look like you are scared? Kian is everything alright? What happened at Sam's?

Crap, here comes the questions. I looked down at my hands and she lifted my chin up so that we were looking at each other. 

''Kian baby, what happened at Sam's? I won't be mad if you tell me.'' She said in a calm voice, that made me feel like I was safe. 

''Talia, I..''




honestly what do you think is going to happen? will Tian still be a thing, or will they break up? Holy crap I sure don't want them to end. SUSPENSE BABY SUSPENSE!

I only have 3 more days of school so that means that I will basically be updating a lot! (: 

Feel free to comment, and vote. I love everyone's feedback. 

By the way please check out my best friend Morgans story it's called ''Mr. Frantastic'' Her user name is ''HighFiveKeaton'' Please check it out for me? Try to get her to 4K by this week? (: 

I love you all, you all are beautiful. Bye! <3

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