Alexandra (@militarymoment)

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Hello. I'm Tali, I will be interviewing you today. May I ask what name you prefer to go by?

Hi Tali, my full name is Alexandra, but that's too much of a mouthful so I choose to go by Alex.

And how old are you Alex? :)

I just turned 16 in September. It was nothing special like they always make it seem, but hey, I have to be happy for another year!

Well happy belated. *smiles* I didn't make it a big deal when I hit 'sweet sixteen' either. But yes, another year living is great. I'm surviving.

Do you have any plans to settle down and perhaps have children?

Thank you! I'm glad I'm not the only one. My parents tried, but I just wasn't feeling it.

Well at the moment I am seeing this boy and I can honestly say that he makes me feel like we could have a future. But I'm a realist. So whether or not I end up with him, I've always wanted to get married and have children. Preferably a boy and a girl.

Same with me! I think I just ended up laying around and being lazy. *laughs*

Here's hoping for the best with you two. If not with him I'm sure you'll get that dream family one day. *fingers crossed*

Alrighty... what is your favourite colour?

I sure hope so! :)

My favorite colors would have to be purple and green, but not together because than they remind me why too much of Barney. *shudders*

Oh dear. You're right. I never thought of that. He frightened me as a child. I figure you're in the same boat. *laughs*

Do you have any hobbies?

I do! I'm a bit of a home body. I enjoy reading, writing, hanging out with my dogs. Those kinds of things!

Oh, you have pets? What are their names?

Yes, I have two dogs. They go by Big Butt and MadDog, but their actual names are Carly and Maddie. They are most definitely my babies! 

*laugh* How endearing. *smiles* Aw. I love animals too. I have a cat. He's part of the family.

Speaking of which .. are you close to your family?

My parents and I are alright. Sadly, they aren't home a whole lot to really be "super" close, but they are usually around for the important events. They can't help it. They travel and lot and do out of town business. 

They always invite me when it's a weekend trip, but I kind of enjoy the house to myself. 

Well that's unfortunate. I'm sorry. Ah.. so it can't be helped then, eh? At least you have special occasions to get together. Better than nothing I suppose.

Work best independently?

Much better than nothing. We usually text if they are in the states. So it helps! :) Thank goodness for technology, right?

I do work much better independently. It's hard to rely on people until the last minute when I can just get everything done at once. 

Well that's good you have means of conversation when you aren't able to be in the same room. Ah, the age of technology.

There's something have in common. I work best on my own as well. *smiles*

Hmm .. let's see, let's see .. ah yes!

Name something you do on a daily basis but really wish you didn't have to.

Oh.. that would have to be styling my hair! If only I could wake up every morning with my hair looking just how I wanted it.

Ah yes! That would be my answer as well. It can be a real pain in the rear sometimes, I agree.

Only two more questions *looks over list*.

Are you ..human?

Sometimes I wish I wasn't, but sadly, yes I'm very much human. 

Well so am I. *smiles* But I feel ya with wishing otherwise sometimes. I would think that I having some supernatural abilities would be helpful at times.

Next question is the last, and we want to know, in your down time, what music do you like to listen to?

*nods like a mad woman* 

Yeah like being about to teleport or something super cool!

Oh geez, when it comes to music, I will literally listen to anything. From 50 cent to Avril Lavigne (don't judge I'm half canadian) and then Thousand Foot Krutch. It just depends on my mood. :)

That would be wicked sweet!

I have a wide variety of musical tastes as well. *smiles* Not heard of Thousand Foot Krutch though. Perhaps I shall look them up after this interview.

*collects papers*

Speaking of which, that's it. Thanks for your time. Is there anything else you would like to say?

I feel like these are my final words and I'm coming up empty. 

Don't do drugs and stay and school! *winks*

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