Fable (@Color_of_Water)

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Hello. I'm Tali, I will be interviewing you today. May I ask what name you prefer to go by? 

Hi *waves* I go by Fable.

Good morning, Fable. *smiles*

How old are you?

I'm 17 years old.

Do you have any children, or plan to settle down?

No! *laughs* Im hoping on settling down, one day though... Maybe once it's safe.

That would probably be best. *smiles*

What's your favourite colour?

Hm... That's a hard one... I'm gonna go with gold.

Oooh, that's a different answer. Nice one! :) 

Do you have any hobbies?

Thanks *giggles* I don't really have any, unless you consider breaking people out of labor camps and starting rebellions a hobby

I wouldn't say it was no, but good on ya for exhibiting the courage to do such things. *aplauds*

Are you close to family?

I don't really have any family... They're all dead, except for Blossom... And she was kidnapped... *frowns*

I'm so sorry to hear that! *comforting pat*

I trust the search is still on?

Kind of. My best friend and I were put in jail while searching....

Oh no! That's horrible. Were you released or escape?

We escaped *smirks* The Queens ego was too big to believe anyone could escape from her prisons.

Alright! *high fives* Clearly she underestimated you two. 

Okay .. uh.. where was I ..

Oh yes!

Name one thing you do every day but wish you didn't have to.

Um... Well I hate having to fight people every day .__.

I'd imagine so. Good answer. 

What do you like the absolute most about yourself?

I love being the Chosen One. Since I am, I can control all the elements.

With great power comes great responsibility, yes? *smiles*

Next question, since we live in the world of all sorts of different supernatural beings, I have to ask.

Are you human?

Well, sort of. I'm an elementalist, so I guess I'm kinda magical or something like that.

What does an elementalist do?

Well, we can control the elements; fire, water, wind, and earth. But where I come from, it's slightly different. We can control all the basic elements, but we also can have psychic powers, or we can be Shifters. We call them Spirits.

Well I certainly can't do that. *laughs* So if you are still a human you certain are upgraded, eh? *smiles* 

To wrap this up, the final question is about music.

What do you like to listen to? Do you listen to music much?

Music? I don't get much time to listen to music *laughs* Folk music is good, I like that kind of thing.

That's a different answer than I've usually received. Haven't listened to much of it myself.

Well *puts away papers* that's it. Is there anything else you want to say before you go? *smiles*

Hm... Well I don't know... Just stay safe everyone! And try not to get arrested... Like myself.... *laughs* 

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