Alan (@kselby88)

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Hello. I'm Tali, I will be interviewing you today. May I ask what name you prefer to go by?

Just Alan thanks. *tilts head and listens* no, I will not tell her that, she's interviewing me Jeffery, not you. 

*clears throat* sorry about that.

Uh.. it's okay. So .. Alan old are you?

I don't really know, I think I'm only young. *looks to his side* what do you think Jeffery? 


Thought so, Jeffery doesn't know either.

Do you have any children.. Jefferey ... er ..Alan?

Nevermind that question then. Moving on.

See, now look what you've done Jeffery! You ruin everything, I'm not talking to you anymore. 

*tugs sleeves over his hands* 

Its Alan, no I don't have any children *smiles shyly*

Would you like some water? *hands over a glass* 

What's your favourite colour?

*mumbles* thanks.

My favourite colour is blue, nice and calming. *tilts head to listen* ok, ok. *nods head* that's ok Jeffery, you're forgiven. Jefferys favourite colour is green oh, and purple.

I agree it is a soothing colour. Reminds me of the ocean. Green makes me think of life/growth, and purple is one of my favourites too. *smiles*

Do you have any hobbies?


*cough* well, Jeffery says that the purple is spiritual and he needs it. Whatever that means. 

*plucks at sleeves* well, I don't really have any hobbies. Jeffery and I play games, mainly hide and seek when Malachi is searching for us but that's it.

*tilts head to the side to listen*

*gasps and slaps hand to mouth*

I've said his name, don't make me say it twice more.

Well you have Jefferey, so at least there's someone to keep you company, yeah? *smiles* 

Do you guys need a moment?

He can be annoying sometimes. He literally consumes me when Frances is around, always trying to talk to her, he is. 

*blushes* nah, that's ok 

*smiles shyly and looks at table, then sniggers* 

Stop Jeffery, the nice lady is talking to me. Sorry, he's always wanting my attention. You can carry on if you like?

Little bit of a crush, eh? 

*smiles* Alrighty.

Is there one thing you do every day that you wish you didn't have to?

*blushes* it's a little bit complicated *smiles shyly* 

Well, I don't really like hiding from Him, you know who I mean, the one who flirted with you earlier. But, Jeffery says I have to so that he doesn't find us. Well, me mainly. The Demon doesn't pay attention to Jeffery. He can't really see Jeffery thankfully. 

I can't wait for Frances to be fixed because then I can leave ya know... *shrugs*..... But until then, I must pull through. *smiles gently*

Ahh. I see. *smiles* 

Yes, I believe I know who you are referring to. 

You're keeping strong, I see. Bravo, Allen. *smiles*

Once the one thing you like the most about yourself?

Er... Well I'm not sure really. *looks to the table sheepishly*

I care ya know, Frances thinks I'm strange because I'm the only one that sees Jeffery but I'm *flinches*.... I mean, we, we are doing this for her! 

*giggles* Jeffery says my eyes are the best thing because they look like storm clouds.

Aww. What a sweet-heart. *smiles* 

Do they really? Then I have no trouble believing those are your best feature. *smiles*

This next question may sound weird, but you can't be too certain these days - I interviewed a vampire and Satan this morning.

Are you human?

I'm not exactly human anymore.... I can't quite explain it to you incase Frances is listening at the door. She likes to eavesdrop and Er... He said we can't tell her anything. *tilts head and listens* 

Jeffery says that this is something they both agree on.

Ohh. So it's hush hush then, eh? Got it! 

Here we are, at the end of the list. The last question has to do with music. Do you listen to it often? What types?

I think I like lullabies the best. I know it's not the music that normal adults listen to, but, they make me feel safe *blushes* 

*tilts head* Jeffery says he likes rock, sometimes hard and heavy!

They are really relaxing and soothing so I get it. 

Big rock fan too! 

Well that's it. Thanks for siting down with us. Anything final you want to say?

Thank you for talking to me *smiles shyly* 

*tilts head and listens to Jeffery* 

Oh, Jeffery says that no matter how curious you get, don't call His name. It's really not worth it Tali. Goodbye. 

*get's up and leaves room, muttering to the air on his left*

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