Chapter 32

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Nova's POV


That's all this car ride is. Silence.

I reach out and turn on the radio.

The main theme off of the game The Last Of Us comes on.

That's weird. Never thought it would be on the radio.

I shrug my shoulders and lean back in my seat, and keep driving.

Looking out of the window, I see trees.

The sun is setting so I can see it shining through the leaves.

We're almost at the Quarantine zone.

Which means I will be giving my friends up, and going on my own.

Honestly, I'm quiet scared.

Will I even survive out there? Can I make it on my own?

Then it hits me.

I'm immune. My blood is the key to the cure. All I would have to do is find scientists that would be willing to do surgeries on me.

I can just give my life to them, so they could save the world.

No. No I won't do that. I have to fight. I have to fight for my friends. I can't just give up and trust scientists. I can do this on my own.

I can make it. And I will make it.

I have to.

"Alright, here it is." I say "Your stop."

I slow the car down. I know the Quarantine Zone is just right up the road, and I cannot risk getting any closer.

I get out, with everyone following my lead.

The all gather around and listen to what I have to say.

"Okay. You guys go walk up that hill. Let them know you aren't infected. Do as they say. No back talking." I say

They all nod.

"Now go." I say, pointing up the hill

I want them gone. I don't want to say goodbyes. It will just make me upset. Goodbyes are too hard for me.

They all look at me.

Tears are in my friend's eyes, and all of the guys have sadness in their eyes.

My eyes start to water.

Stay strong.

Everyone walks up to me and they all get in a big hug.

Don't cry.

They all break away, and I come face to face with Kiki.

A tear streams down her face.

I pull her into a hug.

"It's going to be okay. I promise." I whisper

She nods.

I let go and hug Lexi, then Macy, then everyone else except Zach, Roy, and Mimi.

I go up to Roy and he pulls me into a hug.

"Why are you doing this?" He whispers

"It's for the best." I whisper back.

"I know. I just-it's just-"

"I know, Roy." I say

I break away and bend down to Mimi.

She wraps her little arms around my neck.

"Be safe Aunt Nova. I'll miss you." She says as she sobs into my shoulder

"I will honey. I'll miss you too." I say, as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"I love you." She sobs

"I love you too honey." I say

She pulls away and looks at me.

I take my hands and wipe off her tears.

"Don't cry, baby. I'll be okay." I whisper

She nods, still crying.

I kiss her on the forehead and stand up.

I turn to Zach.

He looks at me, with sadness in his eyes.

I rush over and hug him.

"Why? Why are you doing this? We could explain to them what's wrong with you and they could figure out a way. Nova we can convince them into-" He says but I cut him off

"You and I both know that wouldn't happen, Zach." I say into his shoulder

"I know." He whispers

I pull away, but not to much, just enough to look at him.

A tear rolls down his cheek.

"Don't cry. You'll make me cry even harder." I say, as another tear rolls down my cheek

"I'm sorry." He says

I lean up and give him a quick kiss, then I pull away.

"Okay. Looks like this is it." I say as I wipe the tears off my face.

They all look at me, as if wanting to say something.

"Don't make this hard for me. Please. Make it easy, and just walk away." I beg

The all nod and reluctantly start walking.

I glance at them and then get into the van.

I start it up and look one last time at my group walking away.

They all glance back one last time, and wave.

I wave back, and then turn the van around.

As I drive down the road, I think.

Memories of me and my friends flash through my mind, making more tears silently roll down my face.

I look out the window, at the sun still shining through the trees.

I take in a deep breath.

I am Nova Scerbo. I may be broken, but I'm a fighter. And I will find a cure.

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