Chapter 2

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Nova's POV

We are all at lunch now.

I'm in the lunch line getting ready to ran a lunch tray, when someone taps on my shoulder.

I turn around and look up to meet emerald eyes.

"I need to talk to you." Jason says

"Okay..." I say, confused.

"Shall we?" He says as he reaches his arm for the lunch room door, leading into the hallway.

We walk into the hallway and face each other.

"Look, I'm not what you said I was." He says

"Really? Because ALL jocks are self-conceded and only care about their popularity and there 'hot' girlfriends" I say with air quotes around the word 'hot'

"Look, let me explain-"

"No. You've said enough." I say

I turn around and walk down the hallway in the opposite direction of the lunch room.

I'm not hungry anymore.

Jason's POV

She turns and walks away.

I turn toward the lunch room and reach for the door, but freeze when I hear a blood-curdling scream.

I turn around fastly and see Nova pushed up against the lockers and what looks like Mr. Ridinger trying to....Bite her?!?

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