Chapter 20

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Hey guys.

This is a pretty short chapter, sorry about that.

Sorry I haven't updated either.

Writers block.

And just a warning, this chapter may be a little sad, just warning you guys.


Nova's POV

We all just sit silently as we eat.

Some of us sitting at the kitchen table. Some on the floor. And some on the couch.

I keep glancing at Zach.

And he keeps doing the same.

I'm so confused over what happened on the balcony.

I push my thoughts into the back of my head. Thats not what I should be focusing on right now.

I look at Hillary who is sitting on the floor with her back against the wall and her legs spread straight out in from of her.

She doesn't look good. Her tan skin is now pale. She looks as if she might get sick. She hasn't touched her food and she is just staring at her feet.

"Hill, you okay?" Beth asks her

She looks up. She looks miserable.

"Maybe you should get some air...." Lexi suggests

Hillary nods and gets up and silently walks out onto the balcony, out of sight.

"Wow. It's sad to see someone have to go through that." Misty says

Beth looks at Misty angrily and stands up and walks over to Misty who is also standing up.

"Seriously?! My best friend is turning into one of those things and that's what you say?!" She asks angrily to Misty

"Beth, calm down." Jeb says


Jeb clenches his jaw and stays silent.

"Guys please be quiet. Mimi is asleep." Roy says

I look on the couch to see Mimi peacefully sleeping.

"I'm going to go check on Hillary." Bethany says and walks out into the balcony.

We sit there silently.

I'm about to say something when I hear Bethany scream.

I jump up, grab the shotgun that was laying on the floor next to me, and run to the balcony, followed by everyone else.

I see Bethany laying on the balcony floor with Hillary attacking her.

I go with my instincts and I kick Hillary off of Bethany.

Bethany stands up quickly as Hillary gets up.

Hillary turns to us.

I instantly feel sadness. You can tell Hillary is still in there. She looks scared and angry at the same time.

"Hillary, its okay." I say "Look, Im putting the gun down." I continue as I slowly put the gun on the ground beside me.

She just looks back and forth at me and Bethany.

"Sh-sh-shoot me." She stutters as tears fall down her face

I just look at her.

"P-pl-please. I don't wanna b-be one of-of th-them." She says

I pick up the shotgun slowly.

"Are you sure?" I ask, not wanting to kill her.

She nods.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes as I aim the gun at her.

"NO!" Bethany screams

I open my eyes.

Bethany is crying and trying to take the gun away from me.

"You cant kill her! She is my best friend! Please!" She yells at me

"Beth, please, I d-dont wanna suffer." Hillary says

Beth looks at her as tears fall down her face.

"Please." Hillary whispers

Mason walks up behind Beth and puts his hands on her shoulders so she wont get in the way.

I close my eyes, aim my gun at Hillary, and pull the trigger.

Bethany screams and I hear her crying.

A few tears fall down my cheeks.

"Come here" Zach whispers behind me and I turn around as he wraps his arms around me.

I put my face in my hands and bury my face in his chest and cry softly.

***A Few Hours Later***

?'s POV

I cant take it anymore.

I'm turning into one of them and I might end up killing someone.

I silently think to myself as I head towards the bathroom.

My best friend is dead.

I cant do this anymore.

I don't want to hurt anyone.

I shut the door to the bathroom and lock it and go towards the medicine cabinet. There's pain killers in there. I take out the bottle.

Just do it. The pain will go away.

And the next thing I know, I'm popping pain killers in my mouth and swallowing them, not counting how many I take.

I lean back on the wall behind me and slide down. I don't feel any pain anymore. I feel like a wave has washed over me and I begin to forget about all the bad things have happened. I close my eyes and picture that I'm in my room, with my best friend and we are laughing. I dream that this never happened.

And then, I feel nothing at all.

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