Chapter 1

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Nova's POV

I wake up to my alarm clock going off.

I get up and go to my closet.

I get a black short jean skirt and a short sleeve plain purple shirt.

I get dressed and go into the bathroom and brush my teeth. I put my short brown hair into a pony-tail and then go into the kitchen.

"Morning Momma" I say to my mom whose sitting on the living room couch.

"Mornin Hun." She says

I grab a glass of water.

"A'ight well I gotta go. See you after school Ma." I say to her

"Have a good day!" She says

"I'll try." I whisper and walk out the door.

I get in my red Ford Ranger and I drive to school.

I live in Brooklyn, New York.

I have a Brooklyn accent, like most Brooklyn people.

I park in my parking spot and walk to the school doors.

They always do this just in case one of the students have the Blood Flu.

"Your good." The security guard says.

I give him the death stare. Im not sick. Stupid.

I walk inside the school.

"Nova!!!" I hear one of my best friends, Kiki, yell.

I turn and she is running to me.

Kiki is the one always getting me out of trouble and always makes sure I don't say things TOO mean.

Her dark brown curly hair is down and she is wearing a pink short dress with black leggings underneath.

"What?" I ask

She finally reached me and is out of breath.

"The.....Blood......Flu....." She says

"Kiki spit it out." I say

"Macy's mom has the Blood Flu." She finally gets out

Macy is one of my best friends too. She is the nice one and the one that is always happy, no matter what happens. Except for this.

I turn my head to where Kiki is pointing and see Macy sitting at a table in the commons, crying.

I rush to her.

"Macy? It's going to be okay. I promise." I say fastly as I wrap her into a hug.

I don't give hugs often. I hate hugs. Im the hot-headed, mean one. I can be sympathetic and nice....when I want to be.

Alexis comes up to us. She is also one of my best friends and part of our group. She has her short blonde hair in a bun and is wearing jeans and a Washington D.C. sweatshirt.

"What's wrong?!" She asks.

Alexis, also known as Lexi, is the nice one that keeps us together. She always makes sure people are included and never says anything mean.

"Macy's mom has the Blood Flu." Kiki says

Alexis just freezes.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry." She says and gives Macy a hug.

The bell rings for us to go to class.

"A'ight. See ya guys at lunch." I say

Me and Lexi walk to first period.

I hate math. Especially in the mornings.

I'm lost in my thoughts when I bump into someone.

The impact sends me falling to the ground.

I drop all of my text books and papers fly out of my folders.

"Whoa I'm sorry darlin. I didn't see ya there." I hear someone say

I look up to see the school popular jock, Jason McHenry holding his hand out to help me up.

I get lost in his emerald green eyes.

I reach for his hand slowly.

"Uh. Um..." I stutter

Lexi elbows me once I stand up.

"Oh um, it's okay." I say

He smiles.

I literally melt inside.

"Your sorry, Im welcome!" I say, not realizing what I just said didnt make sense.

I process what I just said.

I shake my head and quickly start to pick up all of my papers.

He starts to pick them up too.

"I'm so sorry. You probably won't know where everything is now." He says

"It's fine." I say not making eye contact.

"Whats your name?" Jason asks

Of course he doesn't know my name. Im not popular. Even though I have went to Easton my whole life.

"Nova. Nova Hamilton." I say looking up at him.

"Nice to meet you." He says. "I'm-"

"Jason McHenry. I know." I say

He looks at me.

"School popular? Jock? Boy that every girl goes crazy for? Person that doesn't know me or my group of people? Yeah, I know who you are. Who doesn't?" I say rather hateful

"Wow. I didn't really see myself like that." He says

"Whatever." I say

He hands me my papers.

"Hope to see you around" He says

"Wish I could say the same." I mumble, just loud enough that him and his friends can hear. "Lets go Lexi." I say

We start to walk down the hall.

"Well that was intense." She states.


"You like, left him so confused" She chuckles.


"Do you like him?" She asks

"As if! He so conceded! Why on earth would I like HIM??" I say "All he cares about is himself. And his popularity. And his brat of a girlfriend." I go on

Lexi interrupts. "Whoa whoa I only asked if you liked him." She says

"Well I don't" I say

That, is a lie.


Hey peeps hope you like this book so far.

It will get interesting real quick too.


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