Chapter 25

46 3 14

Zach's POV

"Get. Out." Nova says calmly.

Beth just looks at her.

"Right now Beth, RIGHT NOW!" She shouts and points to the living room where the front door is.

Beth opens her mouth to protest, but drops the gun and calmly walks out the door.

Nova stomps behind her.

Beth shuts the front door before Nova goes out.

We all follow.

Nova walks out the door and we all go outside onto the front patio.

It's pouring the rain, but the patio has a roof over it.

Beth is walking straight for the road to leave, and she's already soaking wet.

Nova stands on the porch for a few seconds.

Beth is only a few feet away from the patio when she turns around.

"Ya know" She shouts over the rain "I should have killed your niece. She'll just weigh you guys down." She says smirking at Nova

She turns back around and starts walking.

Nova runs out in the rain and tackles Beth to the ground.

Beth is able to turn so she is on her back facing up at Nova, clawing at her to get off, but Nova is wailing on Beth, swinging her fists directly at Beth's face.

I smile.

"You think this is funny?!" Jason asks

"Yeah, I do actually." I say turning towards him

Jason shoves me.

"She's hurting her!" Jason says angrily

I shove him back.

"She deserves it!" I yell

Everyon on the patio backs up a little.

Jason gets up close.

I hear Nova scream and turn to see Beth biting Nova's hand to get her to stop punching.

While I'm distracted, I feel a big blow to my face and I stumble backwards to see Jason holding his hand.

I run to him and grab his torso and take him to the ground.

I punch him straight in the face.

He kicks me off and stands up.

I stand up.

"GET THIS PHSYCO OFF ME!!" I hear Beth scream

Me, Jason, and everyone else, turns to see Beth still lying in the mud, covered from head to toe in it, with Nova on top of her, covered head to toe with mud, holding a switch blade to Beth's neck.

Me and Jason run to them.

I wrap my arms around Nova's waist and pull her off Beth.

Beth starts running for us, but Jason grabs Beth.

Nova starts squirming and kicking to get away and so does Beth.

"You killed my mother!" Nova screams "You almost killed my niece!" She continues

She quits kicking, and I let go.

Jason let's go of Beth.

They walk towards each other and stand in front of each other.

I walk over and stand behind Nova, expecting her to say something to Beth, but she draws her fist back and punches Beth right in the nose.

It was a hard punch too, you could hear the impact over the rain.

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