Chapter 19

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Nova's POV

My hand slips off the ledge.

I start to fall.

Then a hand grabs my wrist and I stop falling.

I look up to see Zach leaning over the ledge.

"I got you. It's alright." He says

"Nova!!!!!" I hear people scream.

I look up and see the whole group looking over the penthouse balcony.

Tears are streaming down my face.

Zach starts to pull me up.

I'm starting to think that I'm safe, when Zach starts to sit up.

Someone hits Zach in the back of the head with their gun.

He falls and grabs the ledge with his left hand and still holds onto my hand with his right hand.

The guy aims his gun at Zach's head.

My hand starts slipping out of Zach's grip.

"Don't let go!" Zach yells

The guy gets ready to pull the trigger.

Then, we hear a big thud and the guy falls forward.

Zach pulls us closer to the outside building walls so the guy doesn't knock us off.

He falls through the opening and falls to his death.

Zach is holding me by three fingers.

"ZACH!!!!" I yell as I start to slip

"Nova hold on!" He yells

Zach only has a hold of two fingers.

I notice that we are starting to move up.

I look up and see a hand pulling on Zach's wrist, pulling us up.

I reach the window and I start to climb in.

Once we are up, Zach quickly grabs the gun from me and aims it at the man's head that's standing in front of us.

Wait a minute.

"Roy?!" I yell excitedly and I run and jump into Roy's arms and he picks me up and spins me around, then he puts me down.

"Nova! Are you okay?! What happened?!" He asks motioning toward the blood on my clothes and the scratches I have on my face.

"I'm fine. And you?" I ask

"I'm okay." He says

I just now realize that there were no more guns shooting and there were no more men trying to kill us.

"Roy, where is she?" I ask

He knows who I'm talking about.

"She's in room 672." He says

I nod and walk to find the room.

Not realizing I left Zach with my brother until I finally found the room.

I open the door.

"Mimi?" I ask

Then I hear a little rustling from beside the bed.

I go over there and look in the corner beside the bed.

There she sits.

Curled up in a ball with her head in her knees.


"Mimi it's okay." I say

She looks up at me.

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