Chapter 10

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Nova's POV

Anger takes over my body.

Next thing I know, I have Bethany by the collar of her shirt, shoved up against the van.


"SHE WAS A ZOMBIE!" She yells

"I DONT BELIEVE YOU!!" I scream back

I raise my hand to slap her hard across the face.

A hand grabs my arm.


He turns me around and wraps me in a comforting hug.

I just break down in front of everyone.

I always promised myself I would never cry in front of the populars.

I broke my promise.

Zach just whispers comforting things to me.

"What the heck is wrong with you Bethany?!" Zach yells still holding me

"She was a zombie!" She yells

Kiki bends down to my mom.

"Her eyes are a little red. But even if she was infected, she would have lasted at least two or three more days before trying to kill any of us." She says

We all look at Bethany.

I pull out of Zach's hug.

I go up to Bethany calmly.

She looks at me and swallows.

Before anyone could register what was going to happen, I punch Bethany right in the jaw.

She falls back on impact.

Everyone gasps.

"What the heck Nova?!" Jason yells, helping Beth up.

"Wha-Are, Are you backing her up?!" I yell

"You just punched her!" He yells

I back up a little, shocked by his outburst.

"She killed my mother!" I yell

"She was gonna have to be killed eventually anyway!" He yells and looks like he immediately regrets it.

I walk up to him.

I slap him.

With enough force to make his head turn.

Everyone gasps again. Mainly the populars.

"Oh shut up it's not like he hasn't been slapped before." I snap

He looks hurt.

I turn toward my mom.

I sit on the ground and lay her head in my lap.

Her eyes are closed.

Thank God. If they were open then I wouldn't be able to stand this.

I brush her hair out of her face.

"I'm so sorry mom. I wish you could have told me. I didn't get to say goodbye to you." I say, tears falling off of my face falling onto my mothers cheeks. "I didn't get to say how much I love you. And how much I need you. I cant do this without you. Please mom. Please." I beg her to come back.

But I know she is gone.

I bend down and cry into her shoulder.

I cry for a while.

I place a kiss on my moms forehead.

Zach and Mason pick her up gently.

They bring her to the park next to the apartment building.

They lay her down in the grass.

She looks so peaceful.

Zach and Mason come back over.

"Now that your done grieving over your dead mother, can we leave?" Hillary asks.

I grab Zach's gun from him and aim it at her face.

She backs up, startled.

"Don't you EVER talk about my mother like that! You understand me!?" I ask

"Nova. Put down the gun." Zach says, slowly reaching his hand towards mine.

"Don't touch me." I say

He keeps slowly reaching.


He backs up.

I aim the gun at the ground right in front of Hillary's feet and pull the trigger.

She jumps back and screams.

Everyone looks at me.

I just look at Hillary, giving her the death stare.


I turn toward the driver side door and I open it.

"But I didn't." I say and I get in the car and start the engine.

Everyone gets in.

Misty sits where my mom was sitting.

Zach gets in the seat beside me.

I look out the window at my mom.

"I love you mom. Im sorry." I whisper

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