Chapter 8

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Nova's POV

"Hillary scoot over!" Macy yells

"I would if Bethany would scoot over more!!" Hillary screams

"Don't bring me into this! You have plenty of room!" Bethany screams

"And you have room to scoot over! You could fit two more people beside you Beth!" Leon yells

How is Zach asleep through all of this?!

"Lexi move over!" Bethany says

"Seriously? I cant scoot over! Your just trying to start another fight!" Lexi yells

I look at them behind me.

They are all just screaming at each other.

Jeb is just sitting agains the door in the back of the van.

With his arms crossed.

My mom is sitting beside him and she is just sitting there quietly.

I turn back around.

"Bethany get off of my foot!" Kiki yells

"I would if you would ask nicely!" Bethany yells

"Ask nicely?! How am I supposed to ask nicely?! You keep yelling either way!" Kiki yells

"Yeah well-" Beth starts but then is interrupted


I smirk.

That should shut em up.

*A few minutes later*

"Okay we're at Misty's. Everyone stay here and wait. No fighting. Seriously if I come out here and you guys are yelling at each other." I cock the pistol "Then there will be trouble."

They all nod quickly.

I smirk.

"Zach you're coming with me." I say

"Okay." He says getting out of the car.

I look at Jason quickly and he doesn't look happy.

Wonder why.

I get out and shut the door.

"Have a nice nap?" I ask

"Yep." He says smiling. "What did I miss?"

"Well, they were all yelling at each other and then Jeb screamed at them." I say


"Yeah it was pretty hilarious." I say, walking towards the apartment building.

He walks beside me.

"Here. You take the gun. I'll do better with this baseball bat." I say picking a baseball bat up off of the sidewalk.

It's not a wooden one.

"I would feel better if you kept the gun.." He says

"Well too bad. Im more of a 'Get close up in the action' type of gal."

He smiles and chuckles.

"Okay. Fine." He says

We walk into the apartment building.

It's a tall one.

Misty is on the 8th floor out of ten.

It looks like the power is out.

"See a fuse box anywhere?" I ask looking around

My voice echoes throughout the building.

"No. But I have like, three flashlights." He says

He gets this backpack thing off of his back.

I honestly didn't even notice it was there.

"Wow your really prepared for this zombie apocalypse." I say

"You know what they say-" He begins

"Semper paratus." I finish


"Always ready. I cant believe you still remember that from when we were kids!" I say playfully nudging his arm

He smiles and grabs two flashlights.

"Blue, or red?" He asks

"Red." I say

"But I want red.."

I hold out my fist.

He holds out his.

We move them up and down and I hold my hand flat and he keeps his in a fist.

"Paper beats rock dude, hand it over." I say

"Dang it." He whispers and hands me the red flashlight

I smirk.

"Dude, you can never beat me at Rock, Paper, Scissors." I say "I never lose."

"Whatever." He mumbles, trying to hide his smile.



Hey peeps!!!!!

I would like to know what relationships you guys ship!

Like, who do you think should get together?

Comment who you ship!!!!

I need to know so I can make this book interesting and I won't post another chapter until I get about 4 people comment what relationships they ship!!!

So I would suggest you comment!


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