Chapter 7

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Nova's POV

We are driving down the road.

Still in New York.

I'm not driving as fast as I usually do.

We are all taking in the looks of New York.

Knowing it wont look like that much longer.

"Mom, I might go by Misty's house and see if her and her family is there. I hope she is okay." I say

My mom nods.

Misty is one of my best friends. She is my cousin. Not by blood though. She is adopted. Which you can tell she isn't related to me since she has dark skin.

I have a darkish tan. But I wouldn't consider it black.

She is two years younger than me which makes her sixteen.

We have been best friends since we were able to talk.

I cant stop worrying that the flu has gotten to her.

I'm driving down a road when a zombie comes out of an alley, runs across the street and before I could even hit the brakes, I hit it with a van.

Not hard though.

I hit the brakes.

"Why are you stopping? It was just a zombie." Macy says

"No it wasn't" I say

Then out of the alley, the three other people, Stewart, Mason, and Jeb come out.

"Great." I mumble.

Then from in front of the car, Leon pops up and yells

"I'm okay!" With his hands sticking up in the air.

Jason gets out of the car.

He gives all four of them those man hugs.

I get out of the car and cross my arms.

Stewart, and Leon have to be the MOST immature and annoying boys in the ENTIRE school.

Jeb, Mason and Jason are like, the ONLY mature ones. Mainly Jeb though. He doesn't smile much.

My friends get out.

My mom stays in the car.

She's been quiet lately.

"Whats up?" Jason asks the guys excitedly

"Not much bruh. You?" Leon asks

He's the childish one.

"You ain't black dude." Jeb says calmly.

"Funny thing, because you are black Jeb." Leon says laughing

We all look at him.

Jeb goes up to Leon and grabs his shirt collar.

"You makin fun of my race?" He asks

Leon shakes his head quickly.

"Good." Jeb says and lets go

"Wait, where did Bethany go?" Mason asks

My heart sinks.

Bethany McIntosh.

The school popular. That hates my guts. Great.

"And Hillary." Leon adds

"Bethany AND Hillary are with you?" Kiki asks a little worried

"Yeah, why?" Stewart asks

"No reason." Kiki says quickly

Bethany and Hillary hate me and all my friends.

And all of my friends and me aren't too fond of them either.

I'm disturbed from my thoughts when I hear a girl scream.

Out of the alley runs Bethany and Hillary.

A clicker is chasing them.

"Give me your gun." I say to Zach.

Without hesitation, he hands it to me.

I aim the gun at the clickers head and pull the trigger twice.

Bethany and Hillary both fall to the ground when the gun goes off.

The clicker falls on the ground, dead. For good.

Bethany and Hillary get up.

"What the heck?! Are you TRYING to get us killed?!" Bethany yells looking at me

I aim the gun at her.

"Whoa whoa, calm yourself." Zach says putting his hand on my shoulder.

I lower the gun.

"Lets go." I say turning to the car

"We're just going to leave them?" Zach asks

I turn to him.

"I was planning on it." I say

"Why? They are survivors. We need all the help we can get. The more people, the better." He says

I look at the five guys and the two girls all standing in a group looking at us.

"We don't need her." Hillary says

I shoot her a look.

"Just speaking the truth." she mumbles

I just shake my head.

"We have room in the van..." Macy says

I look at her.

"So, can they come?" Jason asks

"No." I say

"Nova-" Zach begins

"Then I'm staying with them." Jason interrupts.

"Honey let them come. And if a fight happens or something, then they can go their separate ways." My mom says out of the van window.

I look at the group of seven standing in front of me.

Then I look at my friends.

I sigh.

"Fine. But y'all make one move that makes me angry, then you guys will be kicked out of the group and left to fend for yo selves" I say

I turn and get in the drivers seat and Zach gets in the passenger seat.

My friends get in the back and they are followed by Jason and his friends.

Zach puts his hand on my shoulder.

"It's nice of you to give them a chance." He says

I take my hand and take his hand off my shoulder.

"Don't call me nice." I say

And we drive off.

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