Chapter 24

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Zach's POV

Next thing I know, we're going downhill.

"ZACH!!" I hear someone scream after a few second of rolling.

I cant even think straight.

The only thing Im thinking is

"I'm gonna kill him!"

But next thing I know, I'm thrown into water.

Nova's POV

I see Zach and Jason disappear under the water.

"No." I whisper

I start running down the hill.

"Nova dont! It's too steep!" Kiki screams but it's too late.

I'm not turning back now.

My feet slide out from under me and I'm sliding downhill flat on my backside.

Sticks and branches are hitting me in the face.

I see Zach and Jason pulling themselves out of the water, gasping for air.

I look around frantically, trying to find something to slow me down.

But I'm too late, next thing I know, I'm in water.

I'm plunging deeper and deeper.

When I realize whats happening, I start to swim upwards.

I finally reach the top of the water and I gasp for air.

The rapids keep shoving water down my throat and in my face.

I'm going to die. Im going to drown.

I hear my name being yelled but it's cut off as I get dunked back into the water.

I'm losing strength.

I feel an arm wrap around my waist as a dark redness blurs my vision.

Then everything goes black.

Misty's POV

We all make it down the hill by the time Zach is pulling Nova out of the water.

"Oh my God!" Zach says fastly as he pulls Nova onto the edge of the river on the grass.

He lays her down and is on his hands and knees above her.

"C'mon! Breathe! Breathe!" He yells as he moves her face and tries to get her to wake up

We all hear coughing and we turn to see Jason laying on the grass.

Katrina walks up to him and grabs his collar and lifts him up so he's facing her.

"What happened?!" She yells

"I didn't do it! He tackled me down the hill!" He says as he points to Zach who is giving Nova CPR.

Zach ignores Jason's accusing and continues with Nova.

"Please. C'mon Nova! Breathe!" He yells again

We sit her for a minute with all of our eyes on Zach and Nova.

Nobody is making a sound besides Zach's pleas for Nova to wake up.

He really does love her.

After a moment, we hear coughing.

I look at Nova and she is sitting up, coughing up water.

Kiki's POV

Okay, I need to talk some sense into that newf!

He is SO oblivious and he really needs to live a little and actually LISTEN to his stupid little head!

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