You're Not Alone

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"I wouldn't if I knew what I did wrong." I retorted.

My mother gave me a look and sat down at the kitchen table, she looked exhausted. "Carly where have I gone wrong in your upbringing? Why can't you be like your brother and just listen for once?"

I felt my anger surge and found myself curling my hands into tight fists. "Maybe if you actually did raise me you'd find out where you went wrong. Maybe if you were around more and acknowledged that you have a teenage daughter at home instead of sitting around sipping tea with your slutty high society friends, then I might be like your loving son."

"What do you do with them anyway mom? Are you having an affair with one of the rich ladies husbands? Is that why you're hardly home?"

"Carly!" my mother shouted.

I tilted my head to the side and let a menacingly grimace play on my face. "The truth always hurts right mother dear?"

My mother angrily stood up from her chair and I noticed her face redden from anger. I could be least bothered so I put on a bored expression and crossed my arms. "It is because of this intolerable, disrespectful behaviour of yours that you are grounded, you can't speak to me in a respectful manner I can't expect you to be behaved at school." my mom shouted at me.

She grabbed the phone of the counter. "I am calling your father and telling him that you won't be spending the summer with him because of your insufferable behaviour."

I faked yawning. "Go ahead; I wasn't planning on going to Cali this summer anyway. I prefer New York now." I said in a bored tone. "You'd be doing me favour and saving a long chat with daddy dear." I added.

I was tired of hearing my mother's nagging voice so I turned on my heel to step out of the kitchen. "I am not done talking with you." my mom shouted after me.

I put on a fake smile that said I didn't give a damn. "Yeah well I'm done hearing your voice."

I heard her sigh in a defeated tone, I knew that whenever she did that she was tired of arguing and knew she wasn't getting through to me. "Just go up to your room and don't come down until I tell you to."

I scoffed. "Yeah, whatever."

I slammed my room door shut out of annoyance; my mom really knew how to spoil my mood, I swear I really hated her at times. How could she be so inconsiderate and ground me for the whole summer? Sure I cut a hell of a lot of classes but I was still getting A's in most subjects, I didn't pay much attention at school and I didn't really listen to the teachers but I got those A's mostly from self-study, instead of punishing me she should be proud of what a smart daughter she has.

She was in for a surprise if she actually thought I was going to adhere to her, there was no way in hell was I going to be stuck in this house for the whole summer by myself. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through some numbers searching for my close friend.

I pressed call and after three rings she picked up. "What's up?"

"I'm grounded for the entire summer." I huffed.

"What?" Amy screeched. "You're kidding right?"

"I wish, my loving mother thinks I'm gone out of hand and needs some disciplining." I rolled my eyes.

"That sucks, so you're not coming to Tyler's party tonight?" Amy asked.

"I said my mother grounded me I didn't say I was actually going to listen to her. Besides you know my motto, rules and promises are meant to be broken." I grinned.

Amy chuckled. "Why didn't I see that coming? So what do you want me to do?"

"Well I was hoping you could sneak me out of my bedroom tonight?" I asked hopeful, I needed some guidance so I could climb down my window without breaking my skull.

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