Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


I stood under the shower head letting the water smack my face. Me and Jake were going out on a date… which was weird since I didn’t really have that much experience in the dating area. I only went out on one and it went bad. The guy was too feminine and it wasn’t what I liked.  I knew wasn’t like that and it was probably another reason why I was so attracted to him.  I turn off the water and whip my face so I could see.  I step out of the shower and stared to dry off my face and body with the towel.

I started to whip away the mirror with my towel when I saw finger prints on my wrist. I touched it gently and noticed it was a little tender… I wonder who or how I had gotten that. My head went back to last night’s dream…The boy he grabbed me. I shook my head trying to get the impossible out of my mind. No way something like that can happen.  I start to brush my teeth still thinking about the dream. The boy he was so hot and passionate about me? No I don’t really know if it was me but I could feel the emotions. He was scared but he wanted to be with the other so badly at the same time. I shake my head again spitting out the left over tooth paste and rinse my mouth out and leave out of the bathroom.

I walk a little down the stairs and saw Jake sitting on the couch watching TV. 

“Take a shower I don’t want your B.O to ruin our date.”

I smirk at my comment and he turned around looked a little pissed for a minute but then it faded when he saw me in my towel. He stared at me for a long moment before standing up. I started back up the stairs quickly. Was he chasing me? No… would be nice in a way but I know he wasn’t.

“Can I borrow some clothes?”

“Oh yeah sure… just get whatever you want when you’re done showering.”

I smirk at him as his eyes moved down my body slowly like he was trying to take in every detail of my body. I bite my lip a little and start to back away slowly. He finally notices and a very slight blush appeares on his cheeks as he walked into the bathroom. I laugh a little but then feel myself blushing as well. I walk back into my room and close the door behind me making sure it was locked. I wasn’t letting him see all of my goods in one day. 

I stop thinking finally and get dressed. I put on some dark denim jeans with a white tee shirt and threw on a button down shirt leaving it open.  I walked over to my mirror and tried to straighten out my hair a little. It was still  semi wet but I tried to style it some way. As soon as I got it somewhat decent I hear a knock on the door. I walk over to the door and open it seeing a nice and wet Jake standing before me. His towel was low on his hips showing off his v, my eyes move up  towards his stomach and then up his chest to his face. His hair was messy and he looked really good wet I mean really good. I bit my lip and walked away from the door. I sat on my bed and watched him walk into my room.

He went to my dresser pulling out some jeans he thought that would fit him and one of my black button down shirts from my closet. He looked at me with what looked like an awkward smile… oh he wanted to get dressed… I wish I could blend into the walls so I could watch but sadly I was human.

“Oh sorry you need underwear right?”

“No… ah I’ll go commando”

I smile a little and tried not to think about it… easy access to him. I feel my cheeks burning a little so I stood and walked out of my room quickly closing the door behind me. I walked down the stairs and into the living room catching a glimpse of my face… I was blushing hard.


We finally made it out on the road in Jake’s car. I wondered where he was going to take me.  He kept asking me where I wanted to go. I wasn’t going to just tell him I wanted to see how creative he would be… hopefully he wouldn’t take me to the movies. I couldn’t really stare at him if he did. I slide down a little in the passenger seat looking out of the window at the building flying pass. I started biting on lip as I felt the nerves starting to get worst. People were still in school and at work so it would be pretty dead which made me happy. We pulled off of an old dirt road which made me sit up more. I looked at Jake but he didn’t even glance at me his eyes were on the road. I look out of the window seeing the road getting narrower and the lush trees take over the road. He came to a stop and he turned off his car.

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