Chapter 17( gets kinda naughty =x )

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Chapter 17

“Chris Oh my god you’re hot!”

I turned around and saw Chloe running towards me. I smile and wave at her.

“What makes you finally realize this?”

She laughed and shook her head.

“No I mean you look better than you usually do.”

I looked at her a little weird for a moment but I guess I did dress slightly better than I usually did. I was wearing simple black skinny jeans with a white band tee shirt and a black blazer. Like I said slightly better. But it could be my hair. After being in this town for a few months I grew out my hair but last night I cut it back into my semi Mohawk. It wasn’t really one but the middle was a lot longer than the sides. I called my sister last night and told her that Jake had a date planned for me. She told me I should cut my hair because I looked better with my hair like this. I trusted my sister with fashion advice so I cut it before I went to bed. Derek had asked if I wanted him to pick me up to go to school but I was kind of nervous for him to see me like this since he was use to my longer hair. I felt like such a girl.

“I guess it’s the hair?”

“Maybe but you just seem different you have been for a few weeks now.”

“Is that a good thing?”

“Yeah of course it is!”

“Okay thanks. So what have you been up too haven’t seen you lately.”

“Busy with the winter dance actually.”

“Winter dance?”

“Yeah. This year it’s going to be big so that’s why we are starting early.”

“What’s the theme?”

“Still debating. I personally like a dark romantic.”

“Dark romantic theme…?”

“Yeah have dark, lace, and candle light.”

“Sounds… romantic?”

“I know right! It’s better than the themes that people use every year. A winter wonderland.”

“I think I would like the dark romance theme better than having Santa chase me around.”

Chloe laughed and leaned against my locker.

“You’re not the only one… well if Derek decided to be Santa you wouldn’t mind it much.”

She winked at me but I couldn’t help but laugh. I couldn’t picture him dressing up as Santa. Well maybe I could… a very naughty Santa Claus.  Another laugh escaped as I thought that and I almost forgot I was talking to Chloe.

“So any guys you think about asking to the dance?”

“Oh not really… well not that any guy will ask me.”

“Why not?”

“Cause guys usually find me annoying.”

I frowned but she just smiled at me. It sucks that guys wouldn’t pick up Chloe. She was pretty and she could be a bit annoying. I’m pretty sure there was some guy out there who could handle her.

“Me and Shannon will probably go stag anyways. She has this internet boyfriend or whatever and she doesn’t feel like it would be loyal to him if she got a date with a guy.”

“Ah I see. What about Marisa. I haven’t seen her around lately.”

“She said that she was too hot to hang out with us. She does this every year or so.”

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