Chapter 11

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 Chapter 11

Dinner with Katie was awesome… like always. My Dad thought of Katie as more of a daughter so he would preach to her about setting a good example for me and my sister. It was too late we were already corrupted.

“Aw come on Erick… I’m a good person I just like to go with the flow of things. Right Jakey?

“Right. I’m becoming more like her every day.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of!”

“I take offense to that Erick.”

“Sorry but I want Jake to go to college and find a good job.”

“He can always go to college but going around the world could be a once in a life time kind of thing.”

We were having a debate about when I graduate that I would take a year off to “find myself” as Katie put it. I want to experience life before I have to go through the routine of going back to school and then end up at some job I hate. I’m glad Katie understood since she was like me when she was younger. She was a lot more rebellious than my mom but they were still very close.

After dinner was finished and my aunt was somewhat wasted we all went to bed. I was on my laptop searching online for anything about knowing someone even though you don’t remember. All that I really saw was amnesia. I asked my dad at dinner if I ever had it and he looked at me like I was crazy. And I couldn’t blame him. I close my laptop and stand up to hear a soft tap at my door.


“It’s me Kiddo.”

Katie’s voice was muffled not because of the door but maybe she had something in her mouth? I walk to the door and open if for her. To my surprise she had half of a cupcake hanging out of her mouth with two glasses of milk. I grab the glasses and she takes the cupcake out of her mouth.’

“Are you busy?”

“No… was thinking about going to bed.”

“At 10:30?  I feel like I’m in some kind of Stepford home now.”

“I have to go to class tomorrow… sadly”

“Oh don’t pull that sadly bull shit on me. You’re going to see your lover boy in school all day.”

I smile at her and she wiggled her eye brows up and down. She was right I wasn’t too bummed out about going to school since I would see Chris. I lie back on my bed and stare at the ceiling with a small smirk on my face. Katie crawls in beside me and takes another big bite out of her cupcake.

“So this Chris guy… he must be someone special.”

“Why do you say that?”

“I can tell… you’re being different about this one. You aren’t sneaking around.”

“I just met him though.”

“And you still haven’t slept with him which is a major thing in the Jake Sullivan book.”

“I wish you would stop calling me a slut.”

She laughed at my comment and ruffled my hair.

“Not meaning too but you move fast.”

“Well he seems different Hey Katie, can I ask you something?”

“What’s on that mind of yours?”

“Well have you ever felt that you knew someone from before.”

“What do you mean?”

“Like with Chris. I feel like I’ve met him before and I think he feels the same way.”

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