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(A/N:Weeehhh guys I've had so much fun writing this story. Hopefully another great one might pop up & it'll be good.)

Itami pov
Some shinigami say, that when you die, you're either reincarnated, or you disappear into the darkness.

Both of those theories

Are wrong.

I know this for certain because I am dead. Has my soul been transferred to another body? No. Am I shrouded in darkness, with no place to go? No.

I bet you're wondering:'Then where do you go when you die?'

Good or bad, everyone goes to the same place:Heaven.

The Underworld, is just a place where a dead person goes first to have some things altered. The Shinigami take away any devil fruit power you have, they then bathe the soul to clean it up. And then finally, they wipe away any thing you feel. As in if some guy in heaven stabs you, you wouldn't feel a thing.

For that is the way of the dead. No abilities. No blood. No pain.

Third pov
"It is time, Lucifer D Roza Itami." A deep voice called out

She slowly cracked her eyes open. She found herself lying on sand. Warm, golden sand. She slowly sat up, and smiled as soon as she saw Whitebeard standing in front of her.


Whitebeard kneeled down & helped Itami up. She gave him a hug. Or well, it felt like a hug to her.

"Oh Pops you look..great!"Itami said with a grin
"Gurarara! When haven't I looked great?"

Whitebeard didn't look ill. He looked healthy. Almost too healthy. Itami could see the scar in where he died. It looked deep, and looked like it would've hurt.

"Battle scars aye Pops!"Itami laughed
"This is nothing brat! It didn't even hurt!"Whitebeard bellowed
"Yeah sure...keep telling yourself that.."Itami joked

"Itami...you have someone that wants to see you desperately."Whitebeard said

Itami's smile glowed."I know...I'm itching to see him."

Whitebeard started to lead Itami into Heaven town. She noticed that she was wearing a flowing white summer dress, and had her hair braided with flowers. Her outfit caused some heads to turn, mutters loud & clear.

She recognized some people. Some she had killed. Some she ran into back then. And some that were Marines.

"You know Itami.."Whitebeard says."He missed you a lot. Everyday he'd go out, and watch you live."

They cane upon a house that was up on a cliff side. It looked like Ace's first home in Baterilla.

"Well I best be going, Itami. Ace is waiting for you inside."Whitebeard said
"Arigatou, Pops!"

Whitebeard turned & left Itami alone. She walked closer to the house. She gingerly reached out & knocked on the door three times.

In all honesty, Itami was nervous to see Ace again. She didn't know what he'd think of her now. Would he still consider her his lover after her & Sabo had-

Unintended (Sabo x Itami/OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora