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Itami pov
My eyes widened as I saw Ace in front of me, Akainu's fist through his chest. Ace coughed up blood as Akainu took his magma fist out of Ace's body, and walked away.

I instantly caught him as Ace fell into my arms.
My arms were shaking, the tears stinging my eyes.

"Ace...why did you-"
"H-he was about to attack you....and there was no way...that I was gonna let him touch you..."He said quietly
My arms held onto him."But I..*sob* I could've knocked him away! But-*sob* now you're gonna-.."

I couldn't finish the sentence, I just couldn't get the words out.

"Ace...don't leave me..."I sobbed
"I.....I don't want to leave you either.....I...we need to get married yet..."He says
I let out a sob & clenched my teeth.

"Ace please come back!"I cried
Ace turned around, his eyes brimmed with tears."Itami you've got to promise me something."
"What?"I say quietly
He held onto my chin & looked into my eyes."Promise me, that as soon as we get back, that we'll get married."
My eyes widened, but I let out a smile."Yes! I promise!"

*Flashback end*
I was now sobbing uncontrollably. It was true, we did promise that we were supposed to get married.

'But now....we won't be able to..'

"But....who said we can't get married now?"Ace asked
"But how?"
He smiled weakly."Do you want my lawfully wedded wife?"
"I...I do...Do you want to he my lawfully wedded husband?"

Carefully, we kissed. His lips we're still warm, and he still tasted like ripe apples in the summer. I reluctantly pulled away, and looked into his dying chocolate brown eyes.

"I...I only have 2 regrets...My first regret is that I didn't get to see Luffy become the pirate king...but I know that he'll make it...he's my brother after all.....But my last regret that I didn't get to marry you properly....and start a family with you....Itami, my love."Ace whispers

I didn't really know what else to say. Everything was happening so fast, I just....I just don't know what to say or feel at this point.

"Itami...please look at me..."

Dragging my eyes up to Ace, I saw the blood that trailed out of his mouth. There were tears in his eyes, making myself die inside. He gingerly reached his hand up to my face & started to stroke my face, the blood on his fingers on my tear stained face. His fingers then ran over my lips.

"'ve always been so beautiful to me......inside & out....I just want to kiss you over & over again.."He sobbed
"Ace...To'll always be my Flame Prince in flaming armor..."I sobbed

"I want you to tell this to everyone...Itami. I don't have a lot of time left..."
"O-okay....*sob* t-take your time."

"Old man.....everyone...Luffy...and you Itami....I know that my life has been worthless...and I know that I have demons blood flowing through me.....but....thank you for loving me!"

My heart was racing as I heard his breath slow down.

"Itami......I-I'm glad I met you......and I.......I will always be there...always.....And I will you."

It all happened in slow motion.

His hand slid off off my body & I could see him falling to the ground. For a moment, I could see his eyes. They looked like the same chocolate brown eyes that I had fallen for in the first place.

He hit the ground with a lifeless splat. His blood going everywhere & onto my legs. My eyes were wide as I stared at Ace's lifeless body. I could see the place where Akainu-.....where he had killed him...


He didn't respond, I couldn't hear his breathing at all.


My heart was pounding as the tears cane out even faster. All of a sudden, a wave of frustration, sadness, anger, grief & misery washed upon my emotions. My body was shaking uncontrollably as.


I broke down. My fists in my hair as I violently gripped my wavy brown hair. My eyes were up at the sky as I howled, screamed & cried.

Third pov
The battle stopped as the whole of Marineford heard the echoing cries of Itami. Everyone had stopped fighting.

Marco had wide eyes as he heard Itami scream & cry for her lost love.


Among all the sadness, it had taken a toll on Itami's conscience, and she had gone into shock & paralyzed in place.

(A/N:This took me ages to write. Every word I wrote almost made me cry. I really hate the Prolouge,I can't write deaths.....including Ace's one....I'm gonna go cry now.)

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