Chapter 6:I will kill you

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(A/N:Ne....I hate studying. I've never studied before & i has no idea how the frick frack it works. How do I work in society? *looks up at tv* and he burnt his house down....btw i just love that pic of doffy! He looks so fab! enjoy!)

Itami pov
We all lashed out at the Diamante person, fighting fish also part of our hit lists.

'Now if I remember correctly, Ace's fruit is in a chest attached on the back of one of the fighting fish. Maybe if everyone is too distracted, I can hopefully look for the fruit & eat it. After that, I can beat everyone else.'

(A/N:This next bit I'll probably get totally wrong...but i thought 'fuck it!' And decided to just make it up!)

I started to fight with Rebecca. It was a little bit ridiculous with her dodging & all, but a few times she had managed to attack & get a hit on me.

I huffed & puffed, quickly hopping away from Rebecca to create distance.

'Damn how am I supposed to hit her if she keeps on dodging?'

Damn it, the one time where I need that bastard Lucious.



I smirked & started to run at her, I watched as she readied herself for my stance.

And finally, I was entered into 'Fast obsever' mode.

Time slowed down & any living thing turned red while the sky & the Colesseum seats turned black. My vision turned towards the way how Rebecca was stanced.

'So her right food is positioned to the right. If I charge at her, then she'll dodge to the right & vice versa. Alright then. Got it'

Time went normally & I was running at Rebecca again. When I was close enough, I karate kicked. And as predicted, she dodged to the right. With speed, I rotated my body towards her & kicked her with such force that the ground beneath her cracked.

Or well, I thought I kicked her.

All of a sudden, both Rebecca & I were in the air, being carried by Lucy.

"What the..?"I manger to splutter out

My eyes went wide when I saw a Orange fruit in front of our faces.

'Ace's fruit!'

I reached my arms out to the fruit, my heart speeding as I extended my fingers.


My victory was short lived when Lucy swiped the fruit, and ate it.

Anger bubbled through me, with a mixture of sadness.

"Whoa! It's really hot! I'm a fire now!"Lucy exclaims

And what made me feel even angrier, was when he used Ace's move.


I snapped out of it & wriggled my way out of his hold. We were still in midair, and he looked over at me, confusion on his face, then turning into shock.

(A/N:Play the video now!)

My shinigami glare was ablaze.

"You're next...."I growled.

I just lost control. I am so pissed off.

'How dare this bastard eat Ace's fruit! He doesn't know how important that fruit was to me! How could he do that?! He is going to pay!'

'Lucy' pov
She looked terrifying. Her glare felt like it was reaching into my eyes, and violently scratching at my soul.

'I think it's time to leave now!'

The woman's eyes went from emerald green, to ruby red. Her body was surrounded by a murderous red & black aura. She continued to stare at me, with a malicious smile.

"I'm gonna kill you!"She sang

My eyes widened & I quickly landed on the Colesseum stands. I turned to the pinked haired girl.

"Run. Run away! That woman is gonna kill you if you stay."I say in a panicked tone
She stiffened, but nodded & ran in the opposite direction towards the sunflower fields.

'Damn it, I gotta find Koala! Or just anybody!'

(A/N:I just don't even know how the whole Doffy vs Traffy and Luffy thing goes. I'm confused asf & yes I'm gonna time skip)


Itami pov
I watched as that Lucy walked through the woods, my eyes deeply glaring into him.

'I will kill you, Lucy!'

I hopped onto another try silently, the moon briefly flashing my silhouette in the sky.

Quietly, I climbed down the tree that I was on. I landed on the ground with a loud snap from a twig. Looking around, I realized that I had lost track of Lucy.

'Damn it! I lost him!'

"So you did follow me.."

I gasped & got tackled to the ground. I tried to struggle, but roughly, Lucy held my hands above my head.

He gave me a serious look."Now why are you following me? And why did you try to kill me back there?!"
I glared at him."Get off me you bastard!"
"Not until I get my answer."He said fiercely

I kneed him in the balls, making him groan & his grip loosen. I wriggled out of his tackle hold, and started to run away.

I quickly hid behind a tree & waited for Lucy to run past my tree.

I breathed a sigh & slid down the tree.

My hand sun consciously slid to my locket. I got it out & opened it up. My vision started to fog up from my tears. The picture of Ace & I was the same as always. Beautiful. Happy. Heartbreaking.

' How did I fail? I was so sure that I'd get the fruit....but now...-'

I let out a sob. The single sob turning into a series of loud sobbing.

'I'm so useless & weak. I couldn't even do a simple task like winning the fruit! And I....I couldn't even save Ace in time because I'm weak! I..I..I could've saved Ace back then! It was all going to plan! And then..then-'

I was full out crying now, my hands scrunched in my hair, my elbows resting on my hiked up knees. I didn't care if Lucy found me & killed me at this point. I just want the pain, the sadness & the loneliness to go away.

"A-A-Ace...*sob* Ace please...*sob* I-I need you....I want you....*sob* Come back..*sob* Ace...*sob* I FEEL SO EMPTY!"I cried


I looked up & found Lucy staring at me with wide, surprised eyes. I glared.

"G-go away! You-"
" you know Ace?"He stuttered

Confusion seeped into my body.

"I-I'm his wife. Why the hell does that matter to you?"I hissed.

"I....I'm his brother....Sabo."

(A/N:Yes...a crap chapter. I know it wasn't with the present storyline, but I dunno how Dressrosa goes. Anyway, good night!)

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