Chapter 8:Our mission is..a ball?

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(A/N:Damn i is hungry.)

Itami pov
"Well it was good that Dragon-san had let you stay until your crew gets to Sabody."Sabo said
I sighed."Yes but they'll take a while to get to Sabody. They'd be a long way away from that place."I said
"Oh well, though that means that you have to do missions with me."Sabo said
"I'm actually fine with that. I don't exactly wanna sit around here all day & be bored."I said
Sabo smiled."Yeah I guess you're right."

'Holy shit why am I blushing?! Stop it!'

I coughed awkwardly."So, um....when are we gonna go to the next mission?"
"Well, we're gonna leave when you're ready. We just need to get you a ball dress!"He said

'Oh god.......that's right we have to go ball dancing! Ugh.'

Sabo & I walked over to Koala's room. It was completely coincidental because when we were about to knock, Koala had opened her door, grinning at the pair of us.

"I knew you two would come soon."She said

She held the door open & let us into her bedroom. Koala's room was basically the same as everyone else here at the revulotionary army:Brown wooden polished floors, oak desk with chair, walk in wardrobe, a bathroom, a bookshelf & a double king sized bed. Koala had added a personal touch though. Paperwork spread out on her desk. Pastel pink duvet covers with a white blanket. Different kinds of books on her bookshelf. And I could see that she had makeup & other beauty products in her bathroom.

"So,"She starts."Any requests?"She asked
"Well.."I say as I sat on her bed."Do you have anything that comes in black?"
"Hmmm...I think so, but I don't know if I've thrown it out...I'll check!"Koala said, sifting through her closet.

"Oh & Sabo, can you go outside please? I want you to see her in this dress when we leave."Koala adds

He stood up & left the room. I heard his footsteps walked away from Koala's room, leaving Koala & I alone.

"Why do you want Sabo-kun to see me in the dress at the ball?"I asked
"It's always been Sabo & I ever since we met, I see Sabo as a brother, and I want him to meet more girls & talk to them."She said
"Wait, as in, you're thinking that me & him..."I trailed off
"I think you two would be quite cute together! And honestly, I know you two only just met yesterday, but I think Sabo may like you. He seems quite protective over you."Koala says, pulling out a black lace dress

(A/N:The picture above is her dress!)

"Wow Koala-chan...I'd never thought you'd own a beautiful dress like this!"I said in surprise
"Well, when I first bought it, it fit me. But it had gotten a bit bigger in the washing, so I haven't worn it since."She says
I smiled at her."Thanks Koala, this means a lot."
She giggled."No problem! We're sisters from now on!"

For the rest of the day, Koala was helping me get ready for the ball tonight. She had helped me with my make up & taught me how to put my hair up in a elegant bun with a cwoff. She lent me some black patent pumps & some perfume that smelt like cinnamon spice, vanilla, musk, mosses, caraway spice & bitter almond.

"Wow Itami! You look absolutely stunning!"Koala compliments
I grin at myself in the mirror."I love it! Thanks a bunch sis!"
"What are sisters for? Now lets go! Sabo is waiting for us!"Koala said

We rushed out of Koala's room & started to search for Sabo. I couldn't help but look over & smile at Koala's dress. It was a soft baby pink & really brought out her eyes & curves. She had brushed her hair & didn't do too much to it, and held that natural look.

"Oi! Sabo! We're ready!"

But all of a sudden, I felt nervous. All these self conscious thoughts started to pop up in my head.

'What if he doesn't like what I look like? What if I'm showing too much skin? I wanna turn back & hide.....'

Pushing myself out of my self consciousness, I stared at Sabo's attire. He put on a dress outfit complete with a nice, sexy man scent. I noticed him staring at my outfit with a blush on his face, causing me to blush as well.

" look beautiful.."Sabo stutters
I smiled, my blushing going down."Thanks Sabo-kun, you're looking quite handsome yourself!"

I could see Koala looking between us with a smirk.

"Well shall we go? We gotta fund this guy & investigate on him!"Koala says
"Y-yeah! We should!"I agreed

Luckily, the island we had to go to wasn't that far from Baltigo or whatever this islands called. We had managed to get into the party, and we were now looking around. Koala had gone by herself while Sabo was with me. Sabo had to act like my friend that I had brought along.

" you know who we're targeting?"I whispered
"He's supposed to be known for his good looks. And he's supposed to be a Marine captain. But Dragon-san reckons he has some secret research on the void century."Sabo says
" I'm guessing that Koala is looking for clued, I persume?"I asked
"She's asking around about their connections to the Marine, while not acting suspicious. Whereas your job, is to seduce the man & try & find out about the research he has."

'Sabo-kun must've planned this out while Koala & I were changing.'

My eyes caught on a particular man that I guessed was our target. He had tidy black hair & cobalt blue eyes. He seemed to be about mid twenties, and yes I do admit that this guy is quite a catch appearance wise.

"Dayum boy! He's quite fine! I wanna slice of that pie!" Kira chants


But as soon as we started to make our way towards him, everyone had started go ballroom dance, and we couldn't get through.

"Damn."I clicked my tongue.
"We can't go around...what are we gonna do?"Sabo groaned
"There is only one thing to do."I grabbed his hand."We gotta dance our way over to the target."
Sabo blushed."Y-yeah! You're right!"

Sabo took a hold of my hand & waist, whereas I took his hand & shoulder. We pulled each other close & started to dance.

'We-we're so close! I can smell him..he doesn't smell bad, like he smells a bit like vanilla! Or is that me? But anyway, he smells....good. Not too overpowering, not too faint.'

Sabo pov
She's really good at ball dancing. Maybe she's done this before....

'Woah...what is that scent? It smells..enchanting. Is that Itami's perfume? She smells really great. And she looks beautiful tonight.'

I may, or may not have a crush on Itami. But I can't do that to her, she's only just started to get better from Ace's death....I want to tell her, but I mean like come on, I only just met her yesterday. Plus, I could be rushing things with her, and she has to get back to her crew.

"We're getting close to the target, Sabo-kun."She whispered, sending chills down my spine.
"Right. The dance seems to be ending, I might have to leave you alone for a bit, but I'm sure you can handle yourself."I whispered back

The dance had ended & we parted. But I held onto Itami's hand a bit longer to relish in her warmth (and to give her an earpiece to communicate to both Koala & I).

'Her hands are so warm...and soft.'

"O-oh's just that your hands are really soft, a-and they feel nice."I stuttered with a small blush
Itami blushed as well."Th-thanks Sabo-kun...Well I gotta go & g-get t-the t-target! B-bye!"

She sped off, making me smile.

"She's quite cute when she's blushing."I sigh

"Oh is that so, Sabo~?"

I blushed when I heard Koala through my earpiece in her teasing tone.

"Sabo has a cru~ush~! Sabo has a cru~ush~!"Koala teased

My blush intensified.

(A/N:Part two will be out tomorrow on Halloween! Or tonight..i dunno)

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