Season 2: Chapter 14 - Pt 3

Start from the beginning

“Hinata!” Akio and Hisayo—everyone—turned their attention to the sudden outburst of Naruto, “Don’t listen to him! You can beat him! You can win!”

His words seemed to do the trick and Hinata looked as though she had more confidence and determination than she ever had before. It made Neji irritated. Hinata activated her Byakugan and adjusted her stance to fight. “Neji-ni-san, let us fight!”

“Fine.” He said, activating his Byakugan as well and taking on her same fighting stance, “I warned you.”

The two Hyuuga charged forward and met each other, exchanged blow after blow, seeming to match one another, but it was still clear that Hinata was not winning. Naruto growled as he saw the bruising around Hinata’s arms. He was certain that she had avoided any hits, so why?

“It’s becoming too dangerous for her, Kakashi. I’m sure Kurenai is seeing it as well.”

Kakashi glanced down to the white wolf, noting the slight concern he heard in her voice, before he looked back to the fighting Hyuugas. “As long as Neji doesn’t take things too far, we can’t intervene.”

“So what? You’ll only get involved when she’s on the ground dying? Is that it? You know as well as I do, what kind of damage their attacks can do.”

Kakashi sighed at the low growling wolf.

“What’s the matter?” Sakura asked. “Why’s Hisayo-san so worried, Kakashi-sensei?”

“The Hyuuga, like the Uchiha, have a dojutsu called the Byakugan that can see the chakra system.”

“So the Sharingan sees the chakra system too?”

“It can see chakra, but not as strongly and not in the same way as the Byakugan. You see, the Hyuuga’s Byakugan can pin point and specifically choose what chakra points to attack. They specialize in chakra manipulation that way.”

Sakura’s eyes widened, understanding now what the cause for concern was.

“What? What?” Naruto asked, still not understanding.

Sakura sighed but otherwise tried to make things clear for Naruto. “It may look like Hinata has been avoiding being hit, but with the Byakugan, Neji has been landing his blows—just not in the way you’re used to thinking, Naruto.”


Sakura further explained, “He’s been attacking her chakra flow. Those bruises on Hinata are the points where her chakra flows from. If he keeps attacking those points, then she won’t be able to use chakra and she can’t fight.”


“I’m afraid there is more to it than just that.” Kakashi spoke up again in a graver tone, “The chakra system interconnects with the circulatory system and all the organs of the body. Internal injuries can occur as well. Even if an attack doesn’t seem to hit, with the Hyuuga’s combat style, it does.”

 “Combat style?” Sakura asked. It seemed she wasn’t knowledgeable with the Hyuuga style.

“Allow me to explain.” Guy joined in the conversation. “The Hyuuga use the Jyuuken fighting style. As Kakashi said, they attack the circulatory system and cause internal injuries. They achieve this by using Gentle Fist. It doesn’t look flashy, but it will hurt.”

“Attacks can be fatal.” Kakashi added.

Sakura and Naruto both looked to Guy and Kakashi in surprise. No wonder Hisayo had been so concerned.

Hinata dodged, ducked, and struck forth with her own attacks. The glowing blue chakra of her Gentle Fist whipped passed Neji’s face as he would dodge, duck, and attack with his usage of Gentle Fist. This continued until a solid blow was dealt, drawing silence from the spectators as a scream rang out.

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